Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/136

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XXV, 29]
Secundum Mattheum

22. Þā cōm sē þe þā twā pund underfēng, and cwæð, Hlāford, twā pund þū mē sealdest; nū ic hæbbe gestrȳnyd ōðre twā.[1]

23. Đā cwæð hys hlāford tō hym, Geblissa, þū gōda þēowa and getrȳwa; for þām ðe þū wǣre getrȳwe ofer fēawa, ofer fela ic ðē gesette; gā on þīnes hlāfordes gefēan.[2]

24. Đā cōm sē þe þæt ān pund underfēng, and cwæð, Hlāford, ic wāt þæt ðū eart heard mann; þū rīpst þǣr ðū ne sēowe, and gaderast þǣr ðū ne sprengdest:[3]

25. and ic fērde ofdrǣd, and behȳdde þīn pund on eorþan; hēr þū hæfst þæt ðīn ys.

26. Đā andswarode hys hlāford him and cwæþ, Þū yfela ðēow and slāwa, ðū wistest þæt ic rȳpe þǣr ic ne sāwe, and ic gaderige þǣr ic ne strēdde;[4]

27. hyt gebyrede þæt þū befæstest mīn feoh mynyterum; and ic nāme, þænne ic cōme, þæt mīn ys mid þām gafole.[5]

28. Ānymaþ þæt pund æt hym, and syllað þām þe mē ðā tȳn pund brōhte.

29. Witodlīce[6] ǣlcon þǣra þe hæfð man sylþ,

  1. B, underfenc; B, Hlafurd; A, gestryned; B, oþore.
  2. B, hlafurd; A, getreowa; A, fæla.
  3. B, underfenc; B, Hlafurd; A, man; A, þar (second time).
  4. B, andswarude; B, hlafurd; A, þar (second time).
  5. B, gebyryde; A, myneterum myn feoh (changed order); B, mynytyrun; A, þonne.
  6. B, Witudlice.