Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/50

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IX, 18]
Secundum Mattheum

ne cōm ic rihtwīse tō gecīgeanne, ac þa synnfullan.[1]

Đis [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg on þǣre ōðre ēasterwucan.

14. Þā genēalǣhton Iohannes leorningcnihtas tō hym, and þuss cwǣdon, Hwī fæste wē and þā sundorhālgan gelōmlīce? sōþlīce þīne leorningcnihtas ne fæstað?[2]

15. And sē Hǣlend cwæð tō him, Cweþe ge sceolun þæs brȳdguman cnihtas wēpan, þā hwīle þe sē brȳdguma mid hym byþ? sōðlīce þā dagas cumað þæt sē brydguma byð āfyrred fram him, and þonne on ðām dagum hig fæstað.[3]

16. Ne dēþ witodlīce nān man nīwes clāðes scyp on eald rēaf; hē tōbrycð hys stede on þām rēafe, and sē slite byþ þē wyrsa.[4]

17. Nē hig ne dōð nīwe wīn on ealde bytta; gyf hī dōð, þā bytta bēoþ tōbrocene, and þæt wīn āgoten, and þā bytta forwurþað. Ac hig dōð nīwe wīn on nīwe bytta, and ǣgðer byþ gehealden.[5]

Đis [godspel] sceal on sunnandæg on þǣre fīf and twēntugoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

18. Đā [][6] þās þing tō him spræc, þā genēalǣhte ān ealdor, and geēaðmēdde hyne tō him,

  1. A, synfullan.
  2. Corp., þuss, A, B, þus; Corp., cweþende (corrected into cwædon); A, sunder-.
  3. A, sceolon.
  4. A, mann; Corp., on eald (on supplied above the line), B, om. on; A, styde.
  5. B, ealde; A, forweorðað, B, forwurdað.
  6. Corp., B, om. he, A, he.