Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/88

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XVI, 7]
Secundum Mattheum


Đys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre eahtoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

1. And þā genēalǣhton him tō Farisei and Saducei, and hyne costodon and bǣdon þæt hē him sum tācen of heofone ætȳwde.[1]

2. Þā andswarode hē him and cwæð, On ǣfen gē cweðaþ, Tō morgen hyt byþ smylte weder; þēs heofon ys rēad.[2]

3. And on morgen gē cweþað, Tō dæg hyt byþ hrēoh weder; þēos lyft scīnð unwederlīce. Nū cunne gē tōcnāwan heofones hīw; witodlīce gē ne magon witan þǣra tīda tācnu.[3]

4. Sēo yfele cnēoryss and unrihthǣmende tācen sēcþ; and hyre ne byð geseald būton Ionas tācen þæs wītegan. And him forlǣtenum, hē fērde.[4]

5. And þā his leorningcnihtas cōmon ofer þone mūþan, hig forgēton þæt hig hlāfas nāmon.[5]

6. And þā sǣde hē, Gȳmað and warniað fram beorman Fariseorum and Saduceorum.

7. Þā ðōhton hig betwux him and cwǣdon, [Ne] nāmon wē hlāfas mid ūs.[6]

  1. A, costedon changed into (costnedon; n above the line); A, tacn; A, heofene.
  2. B, æfyn; A, mergen; A, heofen.
  3. A, mergen; A, heofenes; A, tacna.
  4. A, cneoris, B, cneorys.
  5. A, forgeaton.
  6. A, betweox; Corp., A, B, om. Ne; B, naman.