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King Henry the Sixth, III. ii

His lands then seiz'd on by the conqueror:
Her suit is now, to repossess those lands; 4
Which we in justice cannot well deny,
Because in quarrel of the house of York
The worthy gentleman did lose his life.

Rich. Your highness shall do well to grant her suit; 8
It were dishonour to deny it her.

K. Edw. It were no less: but yet I'll make a pause.

Rich. [Aside to Clarence.] Yea; is it so?
I see the lady hath a thing to grant, 12
Before the king will grant her humble suit.

Clar. [Aside to Richard.] He knows the game: how true he keeps the wind!

Rich. [Aside to Clarence.] Silence!

K. Edw. Widow, we will consider of your suit, 16
And come some other time to know our mind.

Widow. Right gracious lord, I cannot brook delay:
May it please your highness to resolve me now,
And what your pleasure is shall satisfy me. 20

Rich. [Aside to Clarence.] Ay, widow? then I'll warrant you all your lands,
An if what pleases him shall pleasure you:
Fight closer, or, good faith, you'll catch a blow.

Clar. [Aside to Richard.] I fear her not, unless she chance to fall. 24

Glo. [Aside to Clarence.] God forbid that! for he'll take vantages.

K. Edw. How many children hast thou, widow? tell me.

Clar. [Aside to Richard.] I think he means to beg a child of her.

6, 7 Cf. n.
10 pause: delay
14 wind: advantageous position
16 of: concerning
17 And: and therefore
19 resolve: free from anxiety
24 fear: fear for