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The Third Part of

Glo. [Aside to Clarence.] Nay, then, whip me; he'll rather give her two. 28

Widow. Three, my most gracious lord.

Glo. [Aside to Clarence.] You shall have four, if you'll be rul'd by him.

K. Edw. 'Twere pity they should lose their father's lands.

Widow. Be pitiful, dread lord, and grant it then. 32

K. Edw. Lords, give us leave: I'll try this widow's wit.

Rich. [Aside to Clarence.] Ay, good leave have you; for you will have leave,
Till youth take leave and leave you to the crutch.

[Retiring with Clarence.]

K. Edw. Now, tell me, madam, do you love your children? 36

Widow. Ay, full as dearly as I love myself.

K. Edw. And would you not do much to do them good?

Widow. To do them good I would sustain some harm.

K. Edw. Then get your husband's lands, to do them good. 40

Widow. Therefore I came unto your majesty.

K. Edw. I'll tell you how these lands are to be got.

Widow. So shall you bind me to your highness' service.

K. Edw. What service wilt thou do me, if I give them? 44

Widow. What you command, that rests in me to do.

K. Edw. But you will take exceptions to my boon.

Widow. No, gracious lord, except I cannot do it.

K. Edw. Ay, but thou canst do what I mean to ask. 48

46 boon: petition