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The Third Part of

Had he none else to make a stale but me? 260
Then none but I shall turn his jest to sorrow.
I was the chief that rais'd him to the crown,
And I'll be chief to bring him down again:
Not that I pity Henry's misery, 264
But seek revenge on Edward's mockery. Exit.


Scene One

[London. A Room in the Palace]

Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and Montague.

Rich. Now tell me, brother Clarence, what think you
Of this new marriage with the Lady Grey?
Hath not our brother made a worthy choice?

Clar. Alas! you know, 'tis far from hence to France; 4
How could he stay till Warwick made return?

Som. My lords, forbear this talk; here comes the king.

Flourish. Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Pembroke, Stafford, Hastings. Four stand on one side, and four on the other.

Rich. And his well-chosen bride.

Clar. I mind to tell him plainly what I think. 8

K. Edw. Now, brother of Clarence, how like you our choice,
That you stand pensive, as half malcontent?

Clar. As well as Lewis of France, or the Earl of Warwick,

260 stale: dupe
262 chief: principal means

6 S. d.; cf. n.
8 mind: intend
10 malcontent: dissatisfied