Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/492

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  • INDEX.

Ionia, conquered by Persia, i. 45 ; progress of colonies, i. 45, 46 ; joined Cyprus against Persia, ii. 101. Ionic column, i. 118, 321 ; at Carthage, i- 39 X 39 2 > n - 60; states from, ii. 36. Isis, i. 78, 30272. ; temple of, ii. 10. Issus, battle of, i. 54. Istar, descent of, i. 147. Ivory, from Nineveh, i. 137 ; carving, ii. 7, 396 ; carved, from Carthage, ii. 398 ; from Kition, ii. 400. JASPER, ii. 231. Jehawmelek, stele of, i. 23, 24, 68, 77, 260-262, ii. ii ; sculptured lions found with stele, ii. 38. Jerusalem, bronze columns at, i. 123; temple at, i. 139, 261, 286; religious proscription published at, i. 145 ; ruins at, i. 304. Jewels from Cyprus, i. 281, 294-296, 298 ; see chapters on jewellery. Job, i. 146. Josephus, ii. 93^. Judea, early sacrifices in, i. 76 ; channelled masonry in, i. in. Juno, i. 74. Justin, i. 42^., 4572. K. KABR-HIRAM, monument known as, i. 170, 173. Kalem, i. 85. Kef-Miriam, ii. 328, 329. King, Mr., in Cyprus, i. 300. Kings of Cyprus, ii. 98. Kinyras, ii. 91. Kition, i. 95, 215; inscription from, i. 271 ; jewels from, ii.' 386; ivory coffer from, ii. 400 ; see Larnaca. L. LACAZE, M. DUTHIERS, on shells used in manufacture of purple dye, ii. 42472. Lamps in tombs, i. 212, 245. Lang, M., Cyprian temples, i. 281. Larnaca, meaning of the word, i. 215 ; ruins at, i. 273, 274 ; chapels at, i. 287, 288 ; public fountain at, i. 288, 289; Panaghia Phaneromeni at, i. 348 ; house at, i. 380 figures found in salt mines at, ii. 183. Lava, sarcophagus in, i. 182, 190, ii. 2 ; torso in, ii. 2. Lawsonia alba, ii. 89. Lebanon, i. 94. Ledger from temple of Astarte, i. 271. Lenormant, M., i. 14/2., 15/2. ; trans- lation of Egyptian documents, i. i5. ; on word Cadiz, i. 32/2. ; temple of Athieno, ii. 177^., 17872.; priest with dove, ii. 18972. Liby-Phoenicians, origin of the, i. 42 ; colonists in Spain, i. 44. Lilybasum, temple at, i. 319. Lions, used as a decoration, i. 154, ii. 250, 251 ; sculptured, ii. 37, 38, 165, 166, 169, 196, 215; on stele Nahr- Abrach, ii. ii, 12 ; on armour, ii. 418,419. Livadia, statuette from, ii. 157. Lix or Lixus, i. 346-348. Longperier, M., on Phoenician tombs, i. 14472. ; Assyrian and Phoenician sarcophagi,!. 19472. ; Amathusvase, i. 293; on granite lions, ii. 38; terra- cotta mask in Louvre, ii. 69/2. Lotus on steles, ii. 62, 65 ; on soldiers' shields, ii. 180 ; on seals, ii. 228, 246, on pottery, ii. 292, 300 ; on perfume bottles, ii. 397 ; on embroidery, ii. 423- Luynes, Due de, on Cyprian coins, i. 293, ii. 9372. ; pendant given to France by, ii. 384, 385 ; shield be- longing to, ii. 417. M. MAABED, ruined temple of, i. 255, 256, 325 ; statues from, ii. 26. Macpelah, cave of, i. 149. Macrinus, coin, time of, i. 61. Macrobius, statue of Venus, ii. 158. Mago, General, conquests of, i. 47 ; founded Port Mahon, i. 47, 48 ; agri- cultural traditions collected by, i. 366. Malta, Phoenician texts from, i. 93 ; ruins in, i. 112, 326 ; walls in, i. 116; tombs in, i. 234; temples in, i. 302, 304, 311-317 ; belonged to Carthage, i. 301 ; in Arab possession, i. 302 ; in Acts of Apostles, i. 30272.: dressed