Page:History of Art in Phœnicia and Its Dependencies Vol 2.djvu/493

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INDI:.. 453 stone used in, i. 304; statuettes from, i. 315, 316; reservoirs in, i- 368, 379 ; ancient houses in, i. 382, 383- Marach, bronze statuette from, ii. 49. Marath, temple of, i. 105, 106 ; tombs at, i. in, 140. Mariette on sarcophagus of Esmouna- zar, i. 169. Marmier, Captain, ii. 49. Mars, ii. 71. Marseilles, Punic table at, i. 47 ; inscrip- tion at, i. 268 ; tariff at, i. 271, 272 ; harbours at, i. 394. Masks, bronze, in tombs, i. 199; golden, i. 211 ; terra-cotta, ii. 68, 69, 82. Masonry used by the Phoenicians, i. 108-11 1, 339, 342, 352, 358, 379. Maspero, M., on origin of word Phoenician, i. ii;/. ; maps borrowed from, i. 1 6 ; translation of hieroglyphs on bowl of Esmunjair, ii. 367. Massilia, i. 44, 46, 47. Materials used in sculpture, ii. 2, 7, 89, 107, 108, 111-115; for unglazed earthenware, ii. 20 ; for glass, ii. 330, 331 ; for colouring glass, ii. 335 ; for purple dye, ii. 424-426. MauritaniaTingitana, modern Morocco, i- 345- Mecca, i. 291/7., 326. Mediterranean, Carthage supreme in the, i. 48. Medusa on sarcophagus of Athieno, ii. 215- Megara, terra-cotta from, ii. 81. Meli-Sihu, King, ii. 203/7. Melkart, god of Tyre, i. 67, 75 ; temple of, i. 78, 79, 123, 260, 317, 322 ; in- scriptions to, i. 262, 317 ; doubtful identity with Hercules, ii. 177 ; in- vention of purple dye ascribed to, ii. 424. Memphis, i. 88, 189, 206. Menander, i. 56/7. ; utility of Phoenician works, i. 125 ; water supply of Tyre, i. 3 6 7> 368. Merimee, M., on monument in Corsica, i. 191. Mesa, King, inscription of, i. 85, 89, 91. Mesha, stele of, ii. 46. Mesopotamia, influence of, on Phoeni- cian religion, i. 77 ; on writing, i. 83 ; on Grecian art, i. 101 ; on Phoenician architecture, i. 124 ; origin of sphinx, i. 133 ; art in, i. 135, 136, 140. Mesoria, plain of, ii. 84, 85. Metal, sarcophagi, i. 181, 199 ; work, ii. 338 ; bowl, ii. 343, 345. Mineral wealth of Cyprus, ii. 90. Minorca, i. 47. Moab, figure of king of, ii. 45, 46 ; stele from, ii. 46. Mole of Alexander, i. 335, 386 ; of Thapsus, i. 408. Moloch, i. 76. Money, invention of, ii. 373, 432. Monolithism, i. 107. Mother goddess, images of, in tombs, i. 209, 218. Motya, rampart at, i. 344, 345. Mountain gods, i. 57. Mount Carmel, oracle of, i. 252. Mugharet-Abloun, i. 162/1., 164, 185, 197. Music, in Cyprus, ii. 106; instruments of, ii. 185-187, 355. Museums Berlin ; steles from Kition in, ii. 100. Boulak ; marble coffins, i. 189, ii. 197. British ; Salzmann's manuscript in, i. 234 ; bi-lingual inscription in, i. 384 ; Sardinian terra-cottas in, ii. 51/7. ; terra-cotta masks in, ii. 69 ; Cypriot head reported in, ii. 112 ; Phoenician scarabs in, ii. 239, 240 ; earthenware vases in, ii. 275, 276, 311-314, 325; glass in, ii. 327, 336 ; mask of Hathor, ii. 329/7. ; jewels in, ii. 390, 392 ; perfume phials in, ii. 396/7. ; ivories in, ii. 399, 401, 403 ; ostrich eggs in, ii. 404, 405/7. ; bronzes in, ii. 412. Cabinet de Medailles ; rock crystal cone in, ii. 43. Constantinople ; Colossus from Ama- thus in, ii. 165. Florence; gem in, ii. 29. - Louvre; column from Tyre, i. 131 ; alabaster slab, i. 132-134, 136 ; bas-reliefs in, i. 137 ; sarcophagi in, i. 144/7., 163, 165/7., 189/7., 190, 192, 197/7., ii. 198/7. ; masks in, i. 199, ii. 68; terra-cottas in, i. 205, ii. 53, 199 ; Amathus vase in, i. 290 ; bronzes in, ii. 2 ; ivory statuettes in, ii. 7 ; granite lions in, ii. 2, 38 ; statuettes in, ii. 20/7., 25, 72, 114, 14, 141, 151, 156, 1 60. 1 80, 181 ; throne in, ii. 26; steles in, ii. 33, 49. 64-66 ; proto-