Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/1078

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OPINIONS, —— — — 2-e-e—__— |, BANGA BHASA-0-SAHITYA—(History of the Bengali Language and Literature.) Copies of Correspondence between the Government of India and the India office. NO. 364 of 1899. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, FINANCE AND COMMERCE DEPARTMENT, PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES. To The Right Hon’ble Lord George Francis Hamilton, Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for India. Simla, the 26th October, 1899. My Lorp, We have the honour to forward, for your Lordship’s con- sideration, a letter from the Government of Bengal, No. 2637—Mis., dated the 21st August, 1899, enclosing a memorial from Babu Dinesh Chandra Sen, B. A., in’ which he prays for a pension in recognition of his services as the author of a work entitled Bangabhasa-O-Sahitya, a history of the Bengali Language and Literature. This work has been pronounced by competent authorities to be of considerable original research in the history of the