Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/1079

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OPINIONS. 3 language and literature of Bengal and is the first attempt at a complete history of Bengali literature. The materials on which the work is founded were contained in manuscripts hitherto unknown to students, scattered over many districts of Bengal, and the great labour involved in discovering and collating them has told seriously on the health of Babu Dinesh Chandra Sen. We consider, that in a country like India, whose scientific literature at the present day consists almost entirely of compi- lations or translations, the appearance of a meritorious work of original research is deserving of some recognition at the hands of the Government and we accordingly recommend for your Lordship’s sanction, the proposal made by the Gov- ernment of Bengal that the Babu should be given a pension of Rs. 25 a month, with effect from 1st April, 1899. We have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship’s most obedient & humble servants, (Signed) CURZON OF KEDLESTON. zs W.S. A. LOCKHART. E. FH. HH COLLEN. এ As Cs FREVOR. ¢ C. M. RIVAz. C. E. DAWKINS. dy) 5 T. RALEIGH.