Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/160

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130 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap, Tears were still dropping from the eyes of the old man and as with his right hand he was still playing on the lute, he hummed again and again ‘Dark is the night and thick are the clouds.” idas ngs omit no particular 5 Chandidas’s song 0 particulars of human omitsno sentiments. The longing regret at parting; the detail of ; wa pleasure, even ecstasy, of stealthy meetings at odd Oye moments and the devices used for such meetings are described by him in simple and unadorned style, without many classical figures. Indeed the scantiness of these is what strikes the reader. But the descriptions are vividly realistic, at once pre- senting a picture to the mind. Krisna comes to Radha in the guise of a woman-physician and touches her hand to feel the pulse. He comes as a magician and the women of the village assemble be- hind the screens to witness his feats. His labours are rewarded by one stolen glance at Radhas face. He comes to her as the barber-wife and obtains a minute’s interview ; as a nun, and on the pretext of giving a blessing, whispers a word of love to her. Radha also goes to meet him in the disguise of a shepherd-boy, and the pastoral scenes are enlivened by a poetic touch describing their talk. In all this, as I have said, Chandidas repudiates classical similes and the language of convention. We quote some extracts from his writings. 1. **Of such love no one ever heard. Their Nothing hearts are bound to each other by their very to compare a i t with this mature. Thay are in each other’s presence, yet Oye they weep fearing a parting. If one is hidden

  • 1. এমন পীরিতি কভু দেখি নাই শুনি ।

পরাণে পরাণ বাধ। আপনা আপনি ॥