Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/475

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V.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 439 of the waxing moon in the month of Asada (July) on sunday at about 3 Pp. M. (1534 A. D.). He was 48 years and 4 months old at the time. His wonderful emotion and tenderness display however only one phase of the character of Chaitanya Deva. He was an ascetic of the truest type, and was always keenly alive to the holiness of the ascetic’s vow. If any one amongst his companions showed the least worldliness, he was unsparing in his treatment of him. He used to sleep on the bare floor of the Puri temple and when Jagadananda once brought a pillow for him, he indignantly said ‘“ Bring me a couch, Jagadananda, if you desire me to taste the comforts of this world. Don’t you know that I am an ascetic, that as such I ought to sleep on the bare earth and that luxury is incon- sistent with my vows.” One of his followers Chota Hari Das accosted a beautiful woman named Madhabi in a tender manner. Chaitanya Deva said “He has taken the ascetic’s vow and still follows after women. I will not look at him again.”’ He never again allowed Chota Hari Das to come into his presence and the man Is said to have died of a broken heart. Sangtan a rich man, who be- came his disciple came to meet him wearing a blanket which he had purchased for Rs. 3. It was the cold season and the bare body of Chaitanya Dev and of his followers were exposed to the shivering cold but they looked contented and joyful inspite of it. Chaitanya Deva talked with Sanatan but kept his eyes fixed on his blanket. The look was too much for Sanatan who escaped it by giving the blanket to a beggar and then joined the order of the ascetics. Govinda Das offered half his 1 1 ) 1 His asce- ¢ticism and severity.