Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/476

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The fine frenzy ofa poet anda lover. con

440 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE [Chap portion of a haritaki to Chaitanya Deva after 1115 dinner, and kept the other half for the next day. On seeing the other half, the next day he enquired | of Govinda Das where he got it. The latter replied — that it was the remnant of the day before; “ Would _ you store up things for the morrow like a worldly man? You cannot then be admitted into the order. 11 of the ascetics. He was made to retire to his home for this act. <A bottle of perfumes was_ presented by an admirer in Puri. It was broken | on the spot by his order and the perfume allowed | to soak into earth. The ascetics were required to | clean a temple one day at Puri. It was observed © that the dust carried away by Chaitanya Deva were larger than those of the servants employed | There is yet another side of his character’ at the same task. . . ° . os . ৮ ] which requires prominent notice and which inspired ॥ the Vaisnava poets with new ideals in their love- poems. The vision of God was always before him. I It was Krisna’s lovely complexion that he found | painted in the newly formed clouds —and it was’ Krisna’s divine flute that he heard in the songs of © birds. When conversing with learned scholars — and the devotees of the type of Ram Ray, he would explain the meaning of this love; _ this was a concrete way of thinking of the universal spirit—the great soul attracting the lesser souls &৯.

the sun attracts the planets. Even in the Vedas. we find a Risi praying to God that He may come to him as a husband comes to his wife. This idea was taken up and developed in the faith of the Vaisnavas God, according to them, is the Lord of love. This Chaitanya’ explained with many: