Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/698

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658 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. As the above is quoted to show how the poet fails to produce an effect by his high sounding words, a

translation is hardly called for though I give one in the foot-note. The words ‘Balms,’ ‘ fir,’ ‘ BISA,’ ‘frafe, “জাগুহি) “এবমুচিতমধুনা, 'কথয়তি ' 2700 'জহিহি' are pure Sanskrit forms and though Bengali is now a highly Sanskritised dialect, the above forms could have no chance of being introduced into our written language. These passages show acurious medley of Sans- krit and Bengali words and remind us of the |

similar style of Krishna Das Kaviraja’s Chaitanya Charitamrita. তি Bharata Chandra destroyed the temple of fame and Rama = which Rama Prasada had erected for himself in the বর poem of Vidya Sundara, and with those materials raised one to glorify himself. He is so profusely indebted to the preceding poet that there 15 scarcely a line in Rama Prasada’s poem, the ring of which is not echoed in Bhagrata Chandra’s work. Yet the latter produces such a singular effect by harmony of words, that Rama Prasada, upon whose work he draws freely for materials, must be satisfied with the wages of a day-labourer while Bharata

would claim the reward of the artist who creates a master-piece. I quote below * extracts from both A description of Vidya’s beauty.

  • / ডুবিল কুরঙ্গশিশু যুখেন্দুন্ধায় “কাড়ি নিল মুগমদ নয়ন হিলোলে।

লু্চশাক্জ তরমাতর নেত্র দেখা যায় ॥কাদেরে কলঙ্কী চাদ মুগলয়ে নাভিপদ্প পরিহরি মত্ত মধুপান | | কোলে ॥ মে ক্রমে বাড়িল বারণ কুণ্স্থান ॥নাভিপা্ম যেতে কাম কুচশস্তু বলে। ধৰিল কুন্তল তার রোবাবলী ছলে।