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782 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. acknowledges the God Civa as the authority in all matters relating to Yoga. 5. Tanu Sadhana—a poem on Yoga. The author, who was a Mahomedan, writes elegant Ben- gali and has a profound respect for the tenets of the Hindu Castras. 6. Fnana Chautisa. This poem contains only 152 couplets. The author Saiyad Sultan explains the metaphysical truth embodied in the symbol of Civa and Gakti and describes the processes of Yoga. This book was written in 1780 A.D. There are cther small treatises on Yoga, a brief notice of which is to be found in the catalogue of old Bengali Mss. published by Munsi Abdul Karim in the Sahitya Parisad Patrika issued from Cal- cutta. The above poems were written within the last 200 years; the latest of them comes up to the middle of the 1gth century. Translation of Kaci Khanda by Jayanarayana ou Ghosala. Passing from the subject of metaphysics, Khasda we shall here take up a work of translation, which টিন deserves a somewhat elaborate notice. It was compiled by its illustrious author with the help of inany distinguished Pundits. From a copper-plate inscription prepared by Raja Wali Cankara Ghosala of ,Bhukailasa—son of Raja Jayanarayana, we glean the following parti- culars about the poet. Jayanarayana was born in October, 1752. He received a sound education in Sanskrit, Persian, Hindi, English and French. He