Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/825

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VI.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 783 inherited from his father a vast property which comprised the villiages of Govindapur, Garya and Behala. He obtained the title of Maharaja from the emperor of Delhi for his patriotism and muni- ficience, and founded a college at Benares which was called Jayanarayana College after him. He built a temple moreover for the worship of the image of Karuna Nidhana (Krishna) at Banares in 1790. He enjoyed the confidence of Warren Hastings, and helped the Government of the East India Com- pany in their work of Survey and Settlement in various provinces of Bengal. Jayanarayana died in 1818 A.D. at Benares in his 66th year. The translation of Kaci Khanda was however the joint work of several scholars and one of its chief contributors was a Kayastha nobleman named Nara- sinha Deva Ray who bore the title of Cidramani. The translation took many years for its completion. Here 1s the account given by Jayangrayana himself as to how the arduous work was gone through.

  • “ T)welling at Benares, which is situated on the

five noble streams of the Ganges, I was desirous of writing something in praise of the holy city. | thought of translating the Sanskrit work Kaci- Khanda into Bengali, but found none who could

  • " কাশীবাস করি পঞ্চ গঙ্গার উপর ।

কাশী গুণ গান হেতু ভাবিত অন্তর ॥ মনে করি কাণিখণ্ড ভাষা করি লিখি । ইহার সহায় হয় কাহারে না দেখি ॥ মিত্রশত চৌদ্দ শক্ক পৌষ মাপ যবে । আমার মানস মত যোগ হইল তবে ॥ The his- tory of this compila- tion.