Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/840

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798 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LIrERATUKE. [| Chap. places lying on both sides of the river. This ac- count may be found interesting by students of Geo- graphy as it was written more than 200 years ago. In a work called Yamini Vahal by Karimulla—an Hymnsto inhabitant of Sitakundu in Chittagong (1780 A.D.), Civa and : . Sarasvati the heroine. a Mahomedan, is represented as pray- চলি ing to the God Civa and in another work named poets. Imam Yatrar Puthi, the Mahomedan author has a hymn addressed to Sarsvati, the goddess of learn- ing, beginning with the lines— ~ *© Hail O Sarasvati, thou art my mother. ‘Thy helpless child invokes thee ; will thou not hear.” Karam Ali, a leading poet of Chittagong, sang Karamali. বি নি ips e exquisitely on Radha and Krisna. One of his padas runs thus :— “Radha wept and said, who ainongst you, O

my maids will bring Krishna to me ? “ Vrinda, my friend, help me by bringing him here from Mathura.” ‘ My heart burns with the tire of love. ‘The cuckoos on yonder boughs coo pleasantly. «ory a সরস্বতি, তুমি আমার ম। | ম। অনাথ বালক ডাকি শুনে শুনে না ॥ 1" কান্দা! কান্দা। বলিতেছে শ্রীমতী রাই । তান্যাদে, আন্যাদে. মোর নাগর কানাহ ॥ শুন আয় বৃন্দ! দ্বতী বলি তোমারে খরায় গেল হরি আন্যাদে মোরে ॥ প্রেমানলে দহে মোর হৃদয় অন্তরে । | বৃুন্দাবণে বসিলে, দেখি কোকিল কুহরে ॥