Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/841

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ভা] BENGALI LANGUAGE: & LITERATURE. — 799) “ How can I describe the agony that are caused by their notes. “OQ maids of my heart, tell me who was so cruel as to cause the moon of the Vrindg groves to depart from here ! ‘“No more do the bowers resound with the sweet notes of his flute calling ‘ Radha Radha.’ “Alas! am | become as nobody to him? O how sorrowful am I, when I think upon this ! “The poet Karam Ali says ‘‘ Hear me Radha, Krisna is always in thine heart, enjoy the spiritual union, and do not weep.” There are short poetical treatises on music in old Bengali literature, mainly written by the Maho- medans. i. Raga Mala or an account of the various modes of Indian music with a poetical description of the presiding deity of each, and with songs in illustration by Ali Mian, Aloal, and Tahir Mahmud. 2. Tala nama—a_ similar work containing songs by Saiyad Ainuddin, Saiyad Murttaja, Nasir- uddin, Alaol, Gayeja, Dvija Raghu Nath, Bhava- কে হরিল প্রাণ দৃতি, রঙ্গের শশী। AMAA MAA বলে ডাকে ন! বাশা ॥ সেই সে মনের ছুঃখ কইতে নারি কার ঠাই। অভাগী রাধারে দিয়ে বুঝি শ্যামের কাজ নাই ॥ কহে শ্রীকরম আলি শুন গে প্যারী। ধ্যানে ভজ নাগর কানাই, কেঁদন। শ্রীমতী রাই ॥ নিকটে আছেন তোমার প্রাণের হবি ॥" Karam Alj. Musical treatises.