Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/920

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876 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. 9. In 1818 a Bengali Encyclopzedea was com- menced at Cri Ramapore, but only one part, Carey’s Anatomy, was completed. In 1828 the society for translating European sciences with H. Wilson as president started the Vijnana Sevadhi, a serial on the plan of the Library of useful knowledge. It reached 15 numbers embracing Indian Geography, Hydrostatics, Mechanics, Optics, Pneumatics and Brougham’s discourse on the advantage of Science. 10. Virgil’s AZneid. First book translated into Bengali by J. Serjeant. a Civilian and a student of Fort William College, pages 65 ; it came out in 1805. 11. Shakespeare’s Tempest, translated into Bengali by Monckton, a student of the Fort Wil- liam College. 12. First Part, Robinson Crusoe. Pages 261. Translated into plain Bengali by the Rev. J. Robin- son, illustrated by 18 wood-cuts. A second edition was published in 1855. 13. Pilgrim’s Progress, translated into Bengali in two volumes by Felix Carey. 14. Gladwin’s Pleasant stories, translated into Bengali, by George Gallowway in 1840. 15. Mylhtus’ School Dictionary, translated by J. Lavandier. 16. History of a lion. 17. Life of Fatik Chand by the Rev. J. Lawson.

18. Madhu’s conversation,—by the Rev. W. Morton. | 19. Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare, trans- lated by Dr. Roer.