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w. l. a. REV. W. LINDSAY ALEXANDER, D.D., Professor of Divinity, Edinburgh.
a. a. SIR ARCHIBALD ALISON, Bart., Author of "History of Europe."
j. a., l. REV. JOSEPH ANGUS, D.D., President of Stepney College, Regent's Park, London,
j. a., d. JOHN ANSTER, LL.D., Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Dublin.
t. a. THOMAS ARNOLD, B.A., Oxon., Dublin.
e. b. EDWARD BAINES, Esq., Leeds.
j. b., o REV. JOHN BAINES, M.A., St. John's College, Oxon.
t. b. THOMAS BAINES, Esq., F.S.A., London,
j. h. b. JOHN HUTTON BALFOUR, M.D., F.R.S., Regius Professor of Botany, Edinburgh University.
t. s. b. T. SPENCER BAYNES, LL.B.,Examiner in Logic and Intellectual, Moral, and Political Philosophy in the University of London.
j. r. b. Rev. J. R. BEARD, D.D., Author of the "People's Dictionary of the Bible," Manchester.
e. b., l. EDWIN BEEDELL, Esq., Author of "Mercantile and Maritime Guide," &c
h. g. b. HENRY GLASSFORD BELL, Esq., Advocate, Sheriff-Substitute of Glasgow.
j. s. b. JOHN STUART BLACKIE, Esq., Professor of Greek, Edinburgh University.
r. b. THE HON. ROBERT BOURKE, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Author of "Parliamentary Precedents," and "Decisions of the Right Hon. Viscount Eversley."
f. b. FRANCIS BOWEN, M.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, United States.
w. b. b. REV. W. B. BOYCE, Wesleyan Mission House, Author of the "Kaffir Grammar."
d. b. SIR DAVID BREWSTER, K.H., Principal of the Edinburgh University,
j. h. b., l. J. HOUSTON BROWNE, LL.B., Inner Temple, Author of "Lives of the Prime Ministers of England."
w. a. b. W. A. BROWNE, LL.D., of Her Majesty's Civil Service, London.
j. b., g. JAMES BRYCE, M.A., LL.D., F.G.S., Glasgow.
w. b. c. W. B. CARPENTER, M.D., F.R.S., University Hall, London.
c w. c. C. W. CONNON, LL.D., Upper Canada College, Toronto,
j. f. c J. F. CORKRAN, Esq., Author of "An Hour Ago," &c, London,
g. l. c. GEORGE L. CRAIK, A.M., Prof, of History and English Literature, Queen's College, Belfast.
p. c. PETER CUNNINGHAM, Esq., F.S.A., Kensington,
j. p. d. J. P. DABNEY, Esq., United States, Author of "Annotations on the Gospels," &c.
w. s. d. W. S. DALLAS, F.L.S., London.
s. d. REV. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, D.D., LL.D., Late of the Independent College, Manchester,
j. f. d. REV. JOSHUA FREDERICK DENHAM, M.A., F.R.S., Rector of St. Mary-le-Strand, London.
b. d. THE RIGHT HON. BENJAMIN DISRAELI, M.P., Late Chancellor of the Exchequer.
h. d. JAMES DONALDSON, A.M., Classical Master, High School, Edinburgh,
j. w. d. REV. J. W. DORAN, LL.D., Rector of Beeston, near Norwich; late Association Secretary of the Church Missionary Society,
p. e. d. P. EDWARD DOVE, Esq., Author "The Theory of Human Progression," &c.
j. e. REV. JOHN EADIE, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Biblical Literature, &c, Glasgow.
j. ed. REV. JOHN EDMOND, Glasgow.
k. e. KARL ELZE, Ph.D., Hon. M.R.S.L., Dessau, Germany.
f. e. FRANCIS ESPINASSE, Esq., Shooter's Hill, London.
p. f. REV. PATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D.D., Professor of Divinity, Free Church College, Glasgow.
w. j. f. WILLIAM JOHN FITZPATRICK, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Dublin.
w. f. REV. WILLIAM FLEMING, D.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Glasgow University.
s. h. g. SAMUEL H. GAEL, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, Author of " Law Composition," "Precedents of Parochial Settlements," &c.
w. g. WILLIAM GAMMELL, Esq., Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.
f. j. h. FELIX JOHN HAMEL, Esq., Solicitor for Her Majesty's Customs, London.
j. h. REV. JAMES HAMILTON, D.D., F.L.S., Author of Author of "Life in Earnest," "The Royal Preacher," &c.
s. a. S. A. HART, Esq., R.A., London.
a. h. ALEXANDER HERZEN, Esq., Russia, Author of "My Exile in Siberia."
e. n. h. E. N. HORSFORD, Esq., Harvard University, Cambridge, United States.
m. h. MARY HOWITT, Translator of Northern Literature, &c
w. h., l. WILLIAM HOWITT, Author of "History of Northern Literature," &c.
w. h WILLIAM HUGHES, F.R.G.S., Professor of Geography in Queen's College, London.
t. j. REV. T. JACKSON, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Rector of Stoke Newington, London.