Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/119

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Hēr[1] onginð sēo gadorung þǣre blōstmena þǣre æftran bēc.

A. Ēalā! lange wēron wit[2] nū ǣmettige, þæt wit ne spyredon æfter ðām þe þū mē ǣr gehēte.

G. Uton gebētan hyt; uton fōn on ōðre bōc forewearde.

A. Uton þæs.

G. Uton gelȳfan þæt God sī on uncrum fultume.

A. Georne wolde ic þæt wit hys gelȳfdun, gyf ic geweald āhte[3]. Ac mē þincð þæt se gelēafa ne sī on uncrum onwealde, þē mēþe þætte[4] wit þǣr sēcað, būton hine God unc forgyfe.

G. Ǣgðer ge se gelēafa ge æalle ðā good þe [wē] hæbban scelon. Forðī ic nāt hwæt wit æalles dōn magon[5] būton hys fultume. Ic þē lǣre þēah þæt þū hyt ongynne. Gebide þē fǣawum wurdum swā þū inweardlicost mage, and wilna þæs þe þē mēst nēod ys[6] and sī.

[A.] Đā cwæð ic: 'Drihten, Drihten, þū þe simle[7] unāwendenlic wunast, forgyf mē ðā twā ðing þe ic simle[8] wilnode,—-þæt is, þæt ic mage þē ongitan and mē selfne.' Nū ic hæbbe gedōn swā þū mē lǣrdest; nū ic hæbbe gebeden.


A. Satis intermissum est opus nostrum, et impatiens est amor, nec lacrymis modus fit, nisi amori detur quod amatur: quare, aggrediamur librum secundum.

R. Aggrediamur.

A. Credamus Deum affuturum.

R. Credamus sane, si vel hoc in potestate nostra est.

A. Potestas nostra ipse est.

R. Itaque ora brevissime ac perfectissime, quantum potes.

A. Deus semper idem, noverim me, noverim te. Oratum est.

  1. er.
  2. wiht.
  3. hahte.
  4. Þe me Þe Þ þe.
  5. don magon don.
  6. neod hys.
  7. smile.
  8. ðincg; smile.