Laws, sumptuary, in Mexico, II, | 218 | |
Loaysa, Garcia Jofre de, fate of his expedition, II, | 349 | |
M | ||
Malinalco, II, | 100 | |
Malinaltepeque, gold from, I, | 243 | |
Maquahuitl, described, I, | 202 | |
Marina, I, | 42ff | |
first mentioned, | 217 | |
note on, | 327ff | |
with Cortes in Honduras, II, | 273 | |
Market-place, in city of Mexico, | 257ff | |
attack on, II, | 92 | |
Spaniards repulsed at, | 96 | |
note on, | 97ff | |
Martyr, Peter de Angleria, life and writings, I, | 115 | |
Massacre of Mexican nobles, I, | 349ff | |
Matalcingo, expedition against, II, | 103ff | |
Maxixcatzin, I, | 207 | |
kindness to Cortes, | 303 | |
holds Tlascala to the Spanish alliance, | 319 | |
death of, II, | 7 | |
Mazatl, execution of, II, | 326 | |
Medellin, in Estremadura, birthplace of Cortes, I, | 3 | |
in Mexico, foundation and naming of, II, | 135 | |
transfer of, | 206 | |
Medrano, II, | 88 | |
Melchor, captured by Cordoba, I, | 16 | |
interprets for Cortes, | 25 | |
Melgarejo, Fray Pedro, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, | 40 | |
at Tacuba, | 51 | |
note on, | 138 | |
negotiations with Cristobal de Tapia, | 138ff | |
Mendoza, Alonzo de, II, | 3 | |
Merlo, Rodrigo de, slave-hunting, II. | 333 | |
Metztithlan, II, | 164 | |
Mexicalcingo, description of, I, | 232 | |
adheres to Cortes, II, | 41 | |
Mexico, description by Cortes, I, | 256ff| | |
fighting in, | 287ff | |
note on, | 330ff | |
civilisation of, | 336ff | |
siege of, II, | 60 | |
completely invested, | 71 | |
first general assault on, | 73ff | |
second general assault on, | 80 | |
third general assault on, | 82ff | |
defection of vassals, | 84, 85 | |
note on, | 88 | |
gallant defence of, | 95ff | |
destruction begins, | 108ff | |
suffering in, | 112 | |
fall of, | 125 | |
note on, | 127 | |
rebuilding of, | 135, 201, 202 | |
notes on new divisions of, | 202, 203 | |
Michoacan, messengers to Cortes, II, | 130 | |
note on, | 131 | |
messengers return from, | 136 | |
disaffection of Spaniards in, | 162 | |
Mixquic, II, | 54 | |
Monjaraz, Andres de, | I 43 s, | |
Montaño, Francisco deprisocures sulphur from volcano, II, | 205 | |
Montejo, Francisco de, I, | 160, 179 | |
Montezuma, Spaniards first hear of, I, | 17 | |
his ambassadors to Cortes, | 34, 148 | |
note on, | 187 | |
second embassy to Cortes, | 211 | |
efforts to stop Cortes, | 227 | |
receives Cortes, | 233 | |
discourse of, | 234ff | |
imprisoned, | 238ff | |
in chains, | 240 | |
betrays Cacamatzin | 249 | |
speech to his nobles, | 251 | |
his empire, | 263 | |
palaces, | 265ff | |
etiquette, | 267 | |
death of, | 288, 351ff | |
Moreno, Pedro, his conduct in Honduras, II, | 312ff | |
report of intrigues at Naco, | 328 | |
Motolinia, Fray Toribio, life and writings, I, | 115 | |
N | ||
Naco, note on, II, | 284 | |
Spaniards at, | 290 | |
Narvaez, Panfilo de, arrival in Mexico, I, | 269 | |
his designs, | 271 | |
note on, | 272 | |
negotiations with Cortes, | 278ff | |
defeat of, | 282 | |
Natividad, foundation of, II, | 304 | |
Nautlan, II, | 41 | |
Nieto, Diego, II, | 286 | |
Night, the Sorrowful, I, | 296ff | |
Nito, note on, II, | 284 | |
Spaniards settled there, | 284ff | |
their sad plight, | 286 | |
desperate situation of Cortes at, | 289 | |
O | ||
Oaxaca, I, | 317 | |
expedition against, II, | 133ff | |
Obsidian, note on, II, | 198 | |
Ocampo, Diego de, note on, II, | 163 | |
Ocupatuyo, I, | 313 | |
Ojeda, adventures and death of, II, | 179 | |
Olea, Cristobal de, at Xochimilco, II, | 50 | |
death of, | 95, 97 |