safe keeping?” Oh! certainly I suffered much to-day. One bishop said to me, “You have established a new law:” another, “You have preached all these articles;” and I replied warmly and strongly, with the aid of God, and concluded by asking, “Why do you overwhelm me with insults?”
Write nothing to me of the witnesses cited to appear, for no step has been taken about them, either by themselves, or by the king, or by the citizens of Prague.
May salvation come to thee from Jesus Christ! I dare not rashly say, with St Peter, since my fervour and courage are infinitely inferior to his, that “though all men shall be offended because of Christ, yet will I never be offended.”
Jesus Christ has never, in express terms, declared me to be blessed like Peter, and has not promised me such
- ↑ Hist. et Monum. Johann. Huss, Epist. xxix.