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I N D E X.


Galileo. Impriſon'd in the Inquiſition for having demonſtrated the Earth's Motion, p. 115.

Generations. The Proportion of their Duration with that of the Reign of Kings, p. 157.

Geometry (Infinites in) ſublime Diſcoveries made by Sir Iſaac Newton in that Science, p. 151, & ſeq.

Gordon (Mr.) a very ingenious Engliſh Writer, known by ſeveral Works, p. 221.

Great Men. Anſwer to the Queſtion, who is the greateſt Man that ever liv'd? p. 83.

Government. Various Revolutions in Government in England, p. 59, & ſeq. In what Manner Subſidies are levied in that Country, p. 67, 68.


Halley (Dr.) His Opinion with regard to the Comet in 1680, p. 134.

Hamburgh. Complaints of the Inhabitants of that City, againſt ſome Particulars in the Hiſtory of Charles XII. p. 246.

Hatred (reciprocal) of the Epiſcoparians and Preſbyterians in England, much like that of the Janſeniſts and Jeſuits, but with
