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I N D E X.

this Difference, that the former obſerve a better Decorum, p. 44.

Historians. The Engliſh wanting in good ones, p. 220.

Holland. Des Cartes was perſecuted in that Country, becauſe no one underſtood his Philoſophy, p. 114.

Holland (North) Des Cartes withdrew to it, in order to cultivate his Philoſophy, p. 115.

Hopkins (Sir Richard.) The prodigious Advantages he reap'd by Arithmetick, p. 242.

Hyperbola. Squar'd by Lord Brounker, p. 152.

Hypparchus. A Greek Philoſophet. His Aſtronomical Obſervations, p. 160.

Hudibras. A famous Poem written by Butler. Judgment of that Work, p. 212, 213.


Impulsion. A Term as little underſtood in Philoſophy as that of Attraction, pag. 138.

Infinites in Geometry. Carried by Sir Iſaac Newton to a wonderful Length, p. 152, & ſeq.

Inoculation. An artificial Method of communicating the Small-Pox, firſt brought from Aſia. Origin of this Invention; Curious Relation how it was firſt introduc'd

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