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I N D E X.

in England, p. 78. Effect it had in that Country, p. 79. Great Benefit it might produce in other Countries, eſpecially in France, p. 81. The Chineſe are ſaid to have practis'd it for a long Courſe of Years, p. 82.

Inventions. Several great Men have diſputed for the Honour of various Inventions, p. 154.


Leibnitz. Whether he invented Fluxions, p. 154.

Lewenhoeck. His Diſpute with Hartſoecher, p. 155.

Liberty. Idoliz'd ſo much by the Engliſh, that they are even jealous of that of other Nations, p. 55. Foundation of their Liberties, p. 64. Theſe examin'd, p. 65. & ſeq.

Locke (Mr) His Character, p. 94. Idea of his Philoſophy, p. 98, & ſeq. He is accus'd of a Deſign to deſtroy Religion, p. 101.

Longitude. Reward promis'd in England to the Man who ſhall diſcover it, p. 224.

Lully. Deſpis'd by the ignorant Muſicians in Italy, but admir'd by thoſe of the greateſt Abilities, p. 190.

M. Ma-