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I N D E X.


Machines. Whether Animals are mere Machines? The Author's Argument againſt that Opinion, p. 105.

Majesty. The People of England have the Epithet Majeſty beſtow'd upon them by one of their Members of Parliament, p. 51.

Malbranche (Father). Eſteem'd by the Quakers, and conſider'd by them as a Favourer of their Principles, p. 15.

Matter. The Eſſence of Matter, according to Sir Iſaac Newton, conſiſts in Solidity and Extenſion, p. 111.

Measure of the Circumference of the terreſtrial Globe, p. 131.

Merchants (Engliſh) Their Riches and Generoſity, p. 70. The greateſt Noblemen don't think Trade derogatory to their Titles. Examples of this, p. 71.

Milton. A Daughter of that immortal Poet reliev'd from the Extremes of Miſery by the Liberality of Queen Caroline, p. 79.

Misantrope of Moliere, imitated by Wycherley in his Comedy call'd the Plain-Dealer, p. 182.

Montague (Lady Wortley.) The Engliſh are obliged to that Lady for introducing the Practice of Inoculation among them. Her Elogium, p. 78.
