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I N D E X.

Muralt (Mr. de) in his Letters on the Engliſh and French Nations, did not expatiate enough on Engliſh Comedies, p. 181.


Newton (Sir Iſaac) a Favourer of the Socinian Principles, p. 48. In the Opinion of ſome People, the greateſt Man that ever liv'd, p. 83. His Philoſophy quite different from that of Des Cartes, p. 111. The moſt curious and moſt conſiderable of his Principles explain'd, from p. 122, to p. 165. He has obtain'd a kind of univerſal Monarchy over the Sciences, p. 164.


Oldfield (Mrs.) a celebrated Engliſh Actreſs. Her very honourable Interment, p. 227.

Opticks. Sir Iſaac Newton's wonderful Diſcoveries in that Science, p. 142. His Method on this Occaſion, p. 145, & ſeq.

Ordinations (Engliſh) defended by Father Courayer, The Obligations the Engliſh have to him for this Work, p. 38.

Otway. Ridiculouſly imitated ſome of Shakeſpear's Faults, p. 168.

Oxford (late Earl of) conſider'd as the Defender of the Church of England, p. 36.
