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I N D E X.

Favours the Deſign of founding an Academy. p. 235.


Parliament (of Great-Britain) compar'd with the ancient Romans, p. 52. The Parallel examin'd, ibid. and p. 53. Reflexions on the Engliſh Liberties and the Authority of Parliaments, p. 53, 54, & ſeq.

Peers. The Bulwark of the Engliſh Monarchs, againſt the formidable Authority of the Commons, p. 66. Few Peers have Eſtates in thoſe Countries whence they take their Titles, ibid.

Pen (William) Head of the Quakers in America, p. 24. Penſilvania ſo call'd from him, p. 28. His Travels and Adventures. Amiable Government ſettled by him among his Followers, p. 28, 29. His Death. Accus'd of being a Jeſuit. Juſtifies himſelf, p. 30, 31, & ſeq.

Philosophy. The prodigious Improvements Lord Bacon made in it, p. 88. as alſo Des Cartes, p. 120. and Sir Iſaac Newton, p. 117.

Picart (Mr.) The Advantage his Calculation was to Sir Iſaac Newton's Syſtem, p. 129.

Pope (Mr.) one of the greateſt Poets of the Engliſh Nation. His Character, p. 215. Tranſlation of ſome beautiful Lines from his Rape of the Lock, p. 216. He is the
