Page:Margaret Fuller Ossoli (Higginson).djvu/274

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you know I must necessarily be very weak for some time yet; I am not always able to write, or to rise, and Ser Giovanni is not always here to write for me. It is a miracle that I am as well as I find myself; my circumstances were so difficult. Now that I find myself so content with my nurse, her child becomes ill; and if she is forced to leave me, the struggle begins again — but I hope not. If it is necessary to bear this too, I can only hope counsel from God.”


Sunday, 17th September [1848].

My Love, — This morning I have nothing from you but the journal of Friday. I suppose now I shall have to wait till Tuesday to hear from you, as no post comes to-morrow.

“The nurse’s child is better, and I feel relieved. We must have courage, but it is a great care to be alone and ignorant with an infant in these first days of its life. When he is a month old, I shall feel more quiet. Then he will be stronger for the changes he will have to undergo. Now he is well, begins to sleep well, is very pretty for his age, and all the people around, without knowing what name I thought of giving him, call him Angiolino, because he is so lovely. He has your mouth, hands, feet. It seems to me that his eyes will be blue. For the rest, he is altogether a rogue (birbone), understands well, is very obstinate to have his will.

“I shall have much to say when you come, and also we shall then have much to plan, because it will be too cold in this room for me to stay here late in the autumn. The forty days will terminate 15th October,