Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/45

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9*" s. viii. JULY is, 190L] NOTES AND QUERIES.



" In consideration of the public services of their late father, Sir W. Brandford Griffith, formerly Governor of the Gold Coast Colon y, and of their straitened circumstances. 251. each."

Governor from 1886 to end of 1894.

1898, April 29th (Marquis of Salisbury). LADY MAXWELL.

" In consideration of the distinguished ser- vices of her husband the late Sir William E. Maxwell, as Governor of the Gold Coast Colony. 100Z."

Governor 1895; died at sea, December, 1897 (* Haydn's Dictionary of Dates ').

1900, May 25th (Marquis of Salisbury). LADY BARELY.

"In recognition of the public services of her late husband, Sir Henry Barkly G.C.M.G., K.C.B , as Governor of five British colonies in succession. 75/."

Sir Henry Barkly; 1855, M.R for Leominster; "firm supporter of Sir R. Peel's commercial policy"; in 1849 Governor of British Guiana; Governor of Jamaica, 1853-6 ; then Governor of Victoria, 1863 ; Mauritius, 1870 ; Cape of Good Hope till December, 1876 (' Men of the Time ').



1875, December 30th (Benjamin Disraeli). Miss FLORENCE EMILY SOPHIA BIRCH, MR. ARTHUR BIRCH, and Miss CONSTANCE ALICE BIRCH.

"In recognition of the services of their father, the late Mr. J. W. W. Birch, British Resident at the Court of Perak, and in con- sideration of the sad circumstances in which they are placed by his untimely death. 75J. each."

Mr. J. W. W. Birch issued a proclamation November 1st, 1875, and was suddenly attacked and killed on the following day Haydn's Dictionary of Dates ').


1880, October 13th (W. E. Gladstone). HON. LOUISA CHARLOTTE CANNING and HON. MARY ELIZABETH CANNING, with the benefit of survivorship. "In consideration of the long and most distinguished public service of the late Lord btratford de KedclifFe. 5001." Lord Stratford de Redcliffe was born in

Clement's Lane on November 4th, 1786; he was first cousin of George Canning, the minister. While ambassador at Constanti- nople he obtained the firman which autho- rized him to send Layard to Nineveh at his own personal expense, and he presented the fruits of the famous excavations to the British Museum. He opened the way to the explorations at Budrum in 1846, and presented the frieze to the British Museum. When Turkey was in sore straits, he observed the foundations being laid of a new summer palace, and ordered the boatman to row straight to the Sultan, where a few minutes' conversation ended in stopping the works. When Mohammed Aly Pasha, the minister for the navy and brother-in-law of the Sultan, had wantonly murdered a Greek concubine, he refused to receive the ruffian, with the message, "Tell the Sultan that an English ambassador can never admit to his presence a cruel assassin," and the minister had to be dismissed ('D.N.B.,' vol. viii.).


1884, January 30th (W. E. Gladstone). MRS. MARIE ANTOINETTE MONCRIEFF.

"In consideration of the narrow circum- stances in which she has been left on the death of her husband, Commander L. N. Moncrieff, R.N., who was killed in the dis- charge of his duties as Her Majesty's Consul at Suakim. 1001."

1885, August 24th (Marquis of Salisbury).

Second grant. 30.

1887, September 27th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. MARY HUTCHINSON.

"In consideration of the services of her late husband, Mr. Thomas J. Hutchinson, M.D., of Her Majesty's Consular Service, and of his literary attainments. 201."

Thomas Joseph Hutchinson, 1820-85 ( 4 Cas- sell's Biographical Dictionary'), Consul in South America; wrote on the Niger, Peru, and Brittany (Sonnenschein's 'The Best Books ').

1889, January 23rd (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. KATHERINE P. PALGRAVE.

"In consideration of the literary services of her late husband, of his long service in trying climates, and of her inadequate means of support. 50/."

William Gifford Palgrave, 1826-88, Arabic scholar, was employed by the Government n Abyssinia. His chief work is ' Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia.' In 1880 Consul-General in Siam. He was a brother of Sir Eeginald Pal-