Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/169

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Don Jose is a full-blooded Mexican, and when Gen. Worth captured the castle, or, in fact, previous to its capture, all the troops, and most of the prisoners fled, but Don Jose remained at his post, and still holds his old position, with strict orders not to leave the castle without orders from the commanding officer of the castle.

In the evening some of our men went to Col. Black's headquarters, making inquiry about Gen. Worth's division, whether there was any news; but Col. Black answered that he had no news yet, but expected some every day. [Cheers.]

Later in the evening it commenced to get cold, bleak, and windy; rain and sleet in the air—just like a fickle November furnishes both to perfection in the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania—making the men wrap themselves up in their blankets and hang around the camp-fire.

Thursday May 13, 1847.—This morning Capt. Ayres, with a company of artillerymen, arrived and took up quarters in the Perote Castle of San Carlos. They are to be stationed here to command artillery in the castle. They also brought with them some of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, who were left in the Jalapa hospital sick.

Capt. Ayres reports that Gen. Scott will arrive at the Castle of Perote about Monday next on his way to the city of Puebla to join the advance of his army. He also states that it was reported in Jalapa previous to his leaving, that Mr. Nicholas P. Trist, Commissioner appointed from the United States Government, is on his way to negotiate with the Mexican government to make peace. How are you peace—peace in a pig's eye.

The weather today is beautiful, and it reminds me of our May at home.

At noon there was a detail of two men from each company to guard a way train to Jalapa for provisions.

This evening it is reported that Gen. Santa Anna has resigned the presidency of Mexico. This is not believed by the citizens.