Page:Pekinese Rhymes (G. Vitale, 1896).djvu/83

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shoulders a load of water — he lays down the water, picks up a stick ― and only strikes the legs of the turtle with golden eyes and the shell covered with moss.


大娘子喝酒 二娘子簁 三娘子棒過小菜碟兒來 四娘子來回的去端菜 五娘子一傍把座兒安排 他說是大家湊個團圓會 滑拳行令樂開懷


大娘子 tai niang- tzu, is the wife of the first brother in the family. 二娘子 eur; niang- tzu, is the wife of the second brother and so forth. 歸 酒 shai' chioa-', to warm the wine before drinking it. 棒 p'eng^, to keep on one's hands, to present, to offer. 小 茶 兒 hsiao3 ts'aii ,r, salted vegetables with which the Chinese relish their food. 端 采 tuaa> ts'ai^ to bring the food on the table. ― 傍 i p'ang-, by the side, aside. 團圓會 t'uan- yiian- huei's general feast in which all the members of the family collect to dine together. This day falls on the fifteenth of the