Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 37.djvu/891

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Ridgway, Robert. List of Birds collected on the Island of Santa Lucia, etc 420
"Review of the Genus Sclerurus 420
""""Xiphocolaptes 420
Salomons, David. Electric Light Installations and the Management of Accumulators 418
Scheffel, Joseph Victor von. Ekkehard 561
Sensenig, David M. Numbers Universalized 417
Shaffer, Virginia C. How to remember History 710
Shufeldt, R. W. Remarks upon Extinct Mammals of the United States 279
Sickels, Ivin. Exercises in Wood-Working 130
Small, Albion W. The Beginnings of American Nationality 705
Smith, Alexander. Dreamthorpe 708
Spencer, David E. Local Government in Wisconsin 705
Sterrett, J. MacBride. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion 557
Strasburger, E. Handbook of Practical Botany 276
Stuart, George H., The Life of 709
Sutton, J. B. Evolution and Disease 849
Thaxter, Roland. Fungicides 560
Thayer, William R. The Best Elizabethan Plays 854
Thornton, John. Advanced Physiography 706
Thurston, Robert H. Heat as a Form of Energy 851
Tolstoi, Leo. The Kreutzer Sonata 710
Thorpe, T. E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 1 413
United States Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 22 707
"Fish Commission. Bulletin for 1887 420
"Geological Survey. Bulletins 54, 55, 56, and 57 700
University of Iowa. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History 278
University Studies 853
Walker, Francis A. First Lessons in Political Economy 127
Ward, Lester F. The Course of Biologic Evolution 706
"The Geographical Distribution of Fossil Plants 278
Ward, R. H. Plant Organization 418
Wells, Roger, Jr., and John W. Kelly. English and Eskimo Vocabularies 708
Wendel, F. C. H. History of Egypt 274
Wentworth, G. A. School Algebra 708
Wheelbarrow. Articles and Discussions on the Labor Question 849
Wheeler, George M. Report upon United States Geographical Surveys. Vol. 1 847
Whiting, Harold. A Short Course of Experiments in Physical Measurement. Part 1 558
Willard, Frances E. Glimpses of Fifty Years 702
Winchell, N. H. Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota 279
Wolff, Alfred R. The Ventilation of Buildings 421
Wood, Alphonso. Lessons in the Structure, Life, and Growth of Plants 278
Yeo, I. Burney. Food in Health and Disease 415
Young, Charles A. The Elements of Astronomy 131
Zoe 852
Botanic Gardens, The, at Kew. F. A. Fernald 106
Botany, Teaching the "New." (Misc.) 424