Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 37.djvu/893

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Fernald, Frederik A. Ancient and Modern Ideas of Hell 489
"Telpherage in Practical Use* 382
"The Botanic Gardens at Kew 106
Ferree, Barr. Utility in Architecture 202
Firing Pottery-Kilns by Gas. (Misc.) 857
Fish-Hook, Evolution of the. (Misc.) 280
Fiske, John. Edward Livingston Youmans: the Man and his Work 1
Flax, Where, is Grown and Manufactured. (Corr.). J. J. Menzies 409
Flowers, Observations upon Doubling of. B. D. Halsted 374
Formation, The, of a New Island.* (Misc.) 713
Frédéricq, Léon. Sketch of Theodore Schwann. (With Portrait) 257

Gardening Classes of the Missouri Botanical Garden. (Misc.) 282
Geography, Commercial, of South America. G. G. Chisholm 391
Geological Formations, Interesting, in Kansas. (Misc.) 566
"Survey Work in Minnesota. (Misc.) 423
Geometry of Aboriginal Mounds. (Misc.) 862
Geysers, Soaping. (Misc.) 139
Glacial Action, Evidences of, in Southeastern Connecticut.* D. A. Wells 196
""in Virginia. (Corr.). F. Minor 551
Glacial Work in Europe, Recent. Mrs. K. B. Claypole 103
Glass-Worker, In the Atelier of a.* C. H. Henderson 157
Gould, A. W. Education and Crime 211
Greenland and the Greenlanders.* E. Reclus 302
Griffin, La Roy F. Natural and Artificial Cements 253
Groff, G. G. Sanitary Work in Great Disasters 459

Hallucinations, A Census of. W. James. (Corr.) 409
Halsted, Byron D. Observations upon Doubling of Flowers 374
Hammond, William A. Sumptuary Laws and their Social Influence 33
Harvey, A. E. Agriculture on the Plains. (Corr.) 122
Hart, Samuel. Invisible Assailants of Health 806
Headaches, The Eyes and. (Misc.) 572
Hell, Ancient and Modern Ideas of. F. A. Fernald 489
Henderson, C. Hanford. In the Atelier of a Glass-Worker* 157
Henshaw Henry W. Missions and Mission Indians of California* 465
Heredity, Human. J. H. Stoller 359
Hill, David J. President Hill's Defense. (Corr.) 265
Hollander, Bernard. Centers of Ideation in the Brain* 514
Honey, Artificial, and Manufactured Science. A. Pringle 70
Horses, Wild.* E. L. Trouessart 626
Huntington, Oliver W. A Talk about Meteorites 366
Huxley, Thomas Henry. The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science 631

Iles, George. Sketch of Thomas Corwin Mendenhall. (With Portrait) 690
Indian, American, Origin of the. (Misc.) 716
Indian Ball-Player's Training, An. (Misc.) 862
Indian Tribes of the Amazon. (Misc.) 859