Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 54.djvu/897

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Soils and Fertilizers. C. M. Blackford, Jr 392
South Sea Whaler, Life on a. F. T. Bullen 818
Spain's Decadence, The Cause of. (Table) 122
Speleology, or Cave Exploration. M. E. A. Martel 255
Spencer, Herbert. What is Social Evolution? 35
Spirit of Conquest, The. J. Novicow 518
Stone Age in Egypt, The. J. de Morgan 202
Submarine Telegraphy, Early. (Frag.) 569
Superstition and Crime. E. P. Evans 206
"Aboriginal, about Bones. (Frag.) 572
"The New. (Table) 557
Survival of the Fittest. (Table) 844
Switzerland, The Torrents of. E. R. Dawson 46

Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 319
Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 490
Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 736
Taylor, Charlotte. The Series Method 537
Throat and Ear, Care of the. W. Scheppegrell 791
Toes in Walking, The. (Frag.) 429
Trade Hunting, Scientific. (Frag.) 140
Trait, A, Common to us all. (Frag.) 429
Travel. Up the Skeena River. George A. Dorsey 181
Tree Planting in Arid Regions. (Frag.) 282
Trees as Land Formers. (Frag.) 858
Trotter, Spencer. The Coming of the Catbird 772
True Tales of Birds and Beasts. D. S. Jordan 352

Udden, J. A. A Geological Romance* 222

Varney, G. J. The Moon and the Weather. (Corr.) 118
Vegetation a Remedy against the Summer Heat of Cities. Dr. S. Smith 433

War, The "Hell" of. (Frag.) 718
Wave Length and other Measurements. (Frag.) 137
Wave Power, The Utilization of. (Frag.) 715
Weasels, Concerning. W. E. Cram* 786
Weir, J., Jr. The Herds of the Yellow Ant* 75
Wells, David Ames, Death of. (Table) 271
"""Principles of Taxation 319
"""Principles of Taxation 490
"""Principles of Taxation 736
West Indies, Physical Geography of. F. L. Oswald 802
Wheat-growing Capacity of the "United States. E. Atkinson 145
Wheat Problem, The, again. E. Atkinson 759
White Lady Mountain, The. (Frag.) 569
Whittle, C. L. The Science of Observation* 456
Willis, C. W. The Mongoose in Jamaica* 86
Wilson, L. L. W. Nature Study in the Philadelphia Normal School 313
Winds of the Sahara. (Frag.) 717
Words of a Master. (Table) 699

Yellow Ant, The Herds of the. J. Weir, Jr.* 75