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  • Communication, barriers, 49
  • Communism, 185, 186, 227
  • Community, self-contained, 263
  • Competition, 389
  • Conditioned response, 204
  • Confederation, 217
  • Confederation, Articles of, 277
  • Conflict, 263
  • Confusion of mind, 405
  • Congress, 287; ignorance of facts, 288; opinion, creation, 290
  • Congressional investigations, 289
  • Congressmen, 247
  • Conscience, 26
  • Consciousness, 70
  • Consent, creation of, 248
  • Consistency, 81
  • Conspiracy of silence, 237
  • Constant reader, 328
  • Constitution, U. S., Jefferson and, 282; making, 277, 280
  • Constitutions, amending, 137
  • Contact and opportunity, 46
  • Cooperation, 232
  • Corporations, 44
  • Cosmas's map of the universe, 6
  • Cosmopolitans, 55
  • Courts, 379
  • Credibility of witness, 79
  • Creel, George, War propaganda, 46
  • Croly, Herbert, 179
  • Crowd, aimlessness, 230; psychology, 177
  • Cuba, 147
  • Czechoslovakia, 241
  • Dalmatian coast, 17
  • Daniels, Josephus, 18
  • Dante, 84, 144, 264
  • Davis, Elmer, 323
  • Davis, M. W., 122
  • Decision, 230; mass, 233
  • Definiteness, 81
  • Deimling, General von, 36, 37
  • Democracy, 30; circumscribed field, 271; functional, 303, 305; government as an instinct, 259; industrial, 146; new theory of, 299; old dogma, 249; philosophy, 267; public opinion made a mystery 254-255; revolution in, 248; two visions, 228; unseen environments, 270
  • Democratic ideal, 269
  • Democratic theory, 224, 228
  • Democrats, 194; pioneer, 260
  • "Deserving Democrats," 199
  • Determinism, 187, 189
  • Devils, 10
  • Dewey, John., on the problem of apprehension, 80
  • Diblee, G. B., 324
  • Dignity, 52, 256, 299, 313
  • Diplomatists, 381; Ruritanian propaganda and, 130
  • Direct action, limit, 230
  • Direct primary, 232
  • Discrimination, 69, 71
  • Dispositions, 176, 187
  • Dogmatist, 123
  • Douaumont, 38, 39
  • Duration, 138
  • Eastern front, 133
  • Economic determinism, 183, 185, 187
  • Economic mythology, 117
  • Economic situation, 51; opinion and, 182
  • Education, 408, 412; moral, 179
  • Effect and cause, 153
  • Einstein, Professor, 106
  • Einstein theory and Bolshevism, 155
  • Emerson, R. W., 350, 351
  • Emotion, memory and, 405; rousing by substitution, 203
  • Empathy, 163
  • English Guild Socialists, 31, 260, 295
  • English press, 353
  • Enhancement, 27
  • Entering wedge, 369
  • Environment, difficulties of our access, 76; indirectly known, 4
  • Error, study of, 409
  • Erzberger, Matthias, 103
  • Eternal principles and the World War, 132
  • Europe as symbol, 216
  • Evidence, 123
  • Evolution, 106, 109
  • Expertness, 115
  • Experts, 223, 370, 375, 383
  • Eyewitness, 79
  • Factions, 181
  • Factory, 299, 300
  • Facts, facing, 30; moral codes and, 123; unseen, 31; weighing properly, 153
  • Faith in man, 418
  • Faith ladder, 152
  • Family Tradition, 52
  • Family tree, 145
  • Far Eastern Affairs, Division of, 380
  • Farmers and democracy, 268
  • Fatigue, mental, 72
  • Fear of facing facts, 30
  • Fears, 155
  • Federal party, 279
  • Federalism, 397; voluntary, 278
  • Fences, mending, 246
  • Ferenczi, S., 70
  • Fictions, 14, 15, 19
  • Fictitious personality, 7
  • Fighting motif, 163
  • Fiume, 127-128
  • Foch, Ferdinand, 237
  • Force, rule of, 276; see also Coercion
  • Ford, H. J., 257, 258-259, 271, 279, 284
  • Foreign affairs, 241
  • Foreign policy, 271
  • Form, 52
  • Foster, W. Z., 403
  • Fourteen Points, 207, 210, 212, 214
  • France as symbol, 216
  • Franco-Prussian war, 213
  • Freedom of speech, 318
  • Freight rates, 242
  • French General Staff and war news, 35, 42
  • Freud, Sigmund, 156
  • Freudians, 27
  • Functions, 304
  • Future, illusiveness, 146
  • Gary, Judge. 403
  • Genealogy, 145, 146