Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/7

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You ought, yourſelf, to conſider your palace as an inviolable aſylum; certainly, Romeo can't come here with an intent to inſult you. Doubtleſs, he had the curioſity to want to ſee the feſtival which you give to your family: this noble confidence which he puts in us, by truſting himſelf in the midſt of his enemies, forbids our giving him the leaſt affront. In ſhort, if the ſtep he has taken is a fault, his extreme youth renders it excuſeable: for my own part, I ſhould think, that the family hatred to us has not yet taken poſſeſſion of his heart.


Perhaps, he is armed; perhaps, he meditates ſome treacherous deſign.


This is talking like a man whoſe paſſion has got the better of his reaſon. What treachery can you fear in an aſſembly where all our force is united?


But, after all, is not my houſe diſhonoured, when I ſuffer a Montague to be there?


On the contrary, I think he does you honour, ſince he truſts himſelf to your generoſity.


I judge otherwiſe, and I am determined it ſhall coſt him his life.
