Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/214

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i66 C. 5—11* Anno duodecimo Caro LI II. A. D, i66o, c A p. V. «xp. An A(S for continuing the Excife until the twentieth of Juguji one thoufand fix hundred and fixtyv Confiimed by 13 Car. 2. Stat. i. c. 7. C A P. VI. An A(5t forihe prefent nominating of Commiffioners of Sewers. EXP. and the faid Statute of He/tiy' the Eighth to continue in Force. CAP. VII. -Marquefs of An A<51 for reftoring unto James Marquefs of Ormond all his Honours, Manors, Lands and Tenements iOrmond. in Ireland^ whereof he was in PofTelfion on the twenty-third Day of October one thoufand fix hun- dred forty-one, car at any Tim^eince. PR. C A P. VIII. ^XP. For continuing the Excife .till the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred fixty. Con- firmed by 13 Car, 2. Stat. 1. c. 7. C A P; IX. aXP for Jthc fpeedy Provifion of Money for Diibanding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both-

  • ■ . by Land and Sea. Confirmed by 13 Car. 2. Stat, i, c 7.

C A P. X. EXP Explanations of certain Defaults in an A<5t, intituled, j^n ABfor the fpeedy Provifion of Money for Dif^ banding and Paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea, Confirmed by 13 Car. 2. c. 7, C A P. XL An A(5b of Free and General Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion. TheCaufesand* ^"p^HE King's moft excellent Majefty taking into his gracious and ferious Confideration the long Ends of this < I ^j^d great Troubles, Difcords and Wars that have for many Years part been in this Kingdom, pardon and In- < ^^^ ^^^^ divers of his Subjedts are by Occafion thereof, and otherwife fallen into and be obnoxious to

  • """ '■ ,« gi-g^t Pains and Penalties ;' (2) Out of a hearty and pious Defire to put an End to all Suits and Con-

troverfies that by Occafion of the late Diftradtions have arifen or may arife between all his Subjects ; The^eneral (■,) and to the Intent that no Crime whatfoever committed againft his Majefty or his Royal Father, ihall Pardon. hereafter rife in Judgment, or be brought in Queftion, againft any of them to the leaft Endamagement of them Either in tlieir Lives, Liberties, Eftates, or to the Prejudice of their Reputations, by any Re- proach or Term of DiftinAion; (4) and to bury all Seeds of future Difcords and Remembrance of the former as well in his own Breaft as in the Breaits of his Subjedls one towards another : {%) And in Per- formance of his Royal and Gracious Word fignified by his Letters to the feveral Houfes of Parliament now alTembled, and his Declarations in that Behalf publiftied, is pleafed that it may beenaded; (6) and belt cnadled by the King's moft excellent Majefty, with the Advice and Confent or the Lords and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, Firit, That all and all Manner of Treafons, Mifprifions of Treafons, Murthers, Felonies, Offences, Crimes, Contempts and Mifdemeanors, counfelled, commanded, aded or done fince the firft Day of Janmry in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred thirty-feven, by any Perfon or Perfons before the twenty-fourth Day oijune in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, other than the Perfons hereafter by Name excepted, in fuch Manner as they are hereafter excepted, by Virtue or Colour of any Command, Power, Authority, Coramiifion, Warrant or InftrucftionS from- his late Majefty King Charles, or his Majefty that now is, or from any other Perfon or Perfons deriving or pretending to derive Authority, mediately or immediately, from both or either of their Majefties, orby VTf- ■tue or Colour of any Authority derived mediately or immediately oforfrom both Houfes or either Houfe of' Parliament, or of or from any Convention or Aflembly, called or reputed, or taking on them the Name of a Parliament, or by, fi-om or under any Authority ftiled or known by the Name of the Keepers of Liberty' of England by Autliority of Parliament, or by Virtue or Colour of any Writ, Commiflion, Letters Pa- tents, Inftruftion ;Or Inftrudiions of or from any Perfon or Perfons, tituled, reputed or taken to be Lord Prote'ftor of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belong- ing, or Lord Prptedor of the Commonwealth of Engla?id, Scotland znA Ireland, and the Dominions and Territories thereto belonging, or afliiming the Authority, or reputed to be Chief Magiftrate of the Com- inonwealth or Commander in Chief of the Forces or Armies of this Nation, by Sea or Land, or by any Pretence, Warrant or Command whatfcever, from them or any of them, or their or either of their re-> fpeftive Council or Councils, or any Member of fuch Council or Councils, or from any Perfon or Per- fons whatfoever deriving or pretending to derive Authority from them or any of them, be pardoned, re- leafed, indemnified, difcharged and put io utter Qblivion, . ;,. IL And'