Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/753

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A. D. 1698. Annb nono & decimo GuLiELMi Iir. C. 14 — 17. 697 fhall be afterwards carried to any Parts beyond the Seas, then an Allowance out of the Over-fea Duties, Costs carried be- er Repayments, fhall be made of fo much as was before paid by this AiSt for the fame Coals or Culm. >"" ^'^^• XIII. Provided alfo, and be it enabled, That if any Perfon or Perfons (liall at any Time be fued or ^."'^^'■"f^^- profccuted for any Thing by him or them done in Execution of this Aft, he or they may plead the Gc- pi7>,i"v,e"GenB^ ncral IfTuc, and give this A(5t in Evidence; and if a Vcrdift pafs for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff be muc &c. ' nonfuit, or forbear Profecution, the Defendant faall have treble Cofts, to be recovered as in other Cafes ,, , _ . ivhere Coils are given by Law to Defendants. J™!^^;' Coah, () Anv.c.i.^. ijCw.J.f.jI. 14 GfO.z. c. 41. 17 Ctv;. 2. ir, 35. 19 Ceo. 2. c, 35. 22 C?t5, a. f. 37. 23 Cfo. 2. c, 26. 30 Cij. 2. w ig, 31 Cm. I. c. 15. 32 Cfo. 1. c. 27. <iBi 33 Geo. 2, 1-, 15 , CAP. XIV. An A£l for continuing the Duties upon CofTee, Tea and Chocolate, and Spices, towards Satisfaftion of EX P. the Debt due for Tranfport Service for the ReduiSion of Ireland. Continued further by 12 & 13 W. 3. 18 Gco.2. c.26, cap. II. until lyoS. Additional Duties on feveral Sorts of Goods, i^c. imported, e.xpreffed in an Acl 6 & 7 W. 3. c. 7. continued until i May 1701. The faid AiX revived. CAP. XV. An Aft for determining Differences by Arbitration, HERE AS it hath been found by Experience, that References made by Rule of Court have con- Vh.K 3. 40, . . tributed much to the Eafe of the Subject, in the determining of Controverfies, becaufe the Parties ^'• ' become thereby obliged to, fubmit to the Award of the Arbitrators, under the Penalty of Imprifonment ^'"'" '* S'-'

  • for their Contempt in cafe they refufe Submiflion :' Now for promoting Trade, and rendring the Awards ^

of Arbitrators the more efFeftnal in all Cafes, for the final Determination of Controverfies referred to them by Merchants and Traders, or others, concerning Matters of Account or Trade, or other Matters ; Be it enacted by the King's mofl Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, That from and McrchantsanJ aftei the eleventh Day of May, which fnall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety- Traders, &c. dc- eight, it fliall and may be lawful for all Merchants and Traders, and others defiring to end any Contro- firing to end Ccn- verfy, Suit or Q_uarrel, Controverfies, Suits or Quarrels, for which there is no other Remedy but by per- "'°*^'!^^^ fonal Aftion or Suit in Equity, by Arbitration, to agree that their Submiffion of their Suit to the Award agree 'the'irliTi)- or Umpirage of any Perfon or Perfons fhould be made a Rule of any of- His Majefly's Courts of Record, mifiion of the which the Parties fhall choofe, and to infert fuch their Agreement in their Submiffion, or the Condition of Suit to the A- the Bond or Promife, whereby they oblige themfelves refpeftively to fubmit to the Award or Umpirage of "'"^°f^"jw- any Perfon or Perfons, which Agreement being fo made and inferted in their Submiffion or Promife, or ^"' , Condition of their refpeitive Bonds, fhall or may, upon producing an Affidavit thereof made by the Wit- madTtoTe in- neffes thereunto, or any one of them, in the Court of which the fame is agreed to be made a Rule, and ferted in their reading and filing the faid Affidavit in Court, be entred of Record in fuch Court, and a Rule fhall there- Submiffion, &c.' upon be made by the faid Court, that the Parties fhall fubmit to, and finally be concluded by the Arbi- P^ti'^s f° 1"= fi- tration or Umpirage which ihall be made concerning them by the Arbitrators or Umpire, purfuant to fuch '^ fuc'h'^rb Submiffion ; and in cafe of Difobedience to fuch Arbitration or Umpirage, the Party neglecSing or refufing tration." to perform and execute the fame, or any Part thereof, fhall be fiibjetl to all the Penalties of contemning a in cafe of Difo- Rule of Court, when he is a Suitor or Defendant in fuch Court, and the Court on Motion fliall ifTue Pro- bedienc.-, Party cefs accordingly, which Procefs fhall not be flopped or detyed in its Execution, by any Order, Rule, ^'=g^'S'"g f"- • Command, or Procefs of any other Court, either of Law or Equity, unlefs it fhall be made appear on •^^_ " ^"^ ■/» Oath to fuch Court, that the Arbitrators or Umpire mifbehaved themfelves, and that fuch Av/ard, Arbitra- unlefs Arbitators tion or Umpirage was procured by Corruption, or other undue Means. mifbehaved II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That any Arbitration or Umpirage procured themftlvss. by Corrupt" 1 n^- n _ii , • 1 . , n 1 -1 j _/- T?r;.o i _ i- i n . „. be fet i " ' in the of the , Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XVI. of the Marches cf Wales. Courts of Chancery-, Excr?equer, Judgments, &c. given in the Prefident's Court of the Marches of Wales., before i June 1689, iffc. and may reverfe or affirm the faid Judgments. C A P. XVII. ■ An A-dt for the better Payment of inland Bills of Exchange.. WHEREAS great Damages and other Inconveniencies do frequently happen in the Courfe of Trade and Commerce, by reafon of Delays of Payment and other Neglefts on inland Bills of Vol. IIL 4 U ' Exchange