Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/258

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218 C. 19. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718, now in Force, for Affignments or Transfers of original Stock to be made in the Books of the faid Compa- ny; or fhal] or may difpofe or devife the fame or any Part thereof by Will, in fuch Manner and Form as any Share in the original Stock of the faid Company is devifeable. Thefe Annuities XXVII. And belt further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that as well the feveral annual and other to be Tax- free. Sums payable at the Exchequer to the faid Governor and Company and their Succeflbrs, by virtue of this 3 X3eo. 1. c. 9. an( j the ^j f ormer aq. f the third Year of his Majefty's Reign for redeeming the then Fund of the faid Governor and Company, and either of them, and the Shares, Parts or Interefts of the feveral Members of and in the fame, and of and in the faid prefent capital Stock and increafed capital Stock of the faid Go- vernor and Company, and of and in the Benefit of 1 rade annexed thereunto, and the Stock in Trade or Money to be railed for that Purpofe, during the Continuance of the fame, fhall be and are hereby ex- empted from all Taxes, Rates and Impofitions whatfoever, by Act of Parliament or otherwife; any Law No Governor, or Statute made or to be made to the contrary notwithftanding : And that no Perfon, in refpect of his be- ftombem^a m & Governor, Sub-governor, Deputy-governor, Director, Manager or a Member of the faid Company, Member of or f° r having any Stock or Share therein, or by reafon of his being named or acting as a Manager or Di- ParJiament, recloror otherwife for taking the faid Subfcriptions, or for any other Matter or Thing to be by him done or performed by or in purfuance of this Act only, fhall be now or at any Time hereafter difabled from being or continuing, or from being elected or ferving as a Member of Parliament, nor be liable or fubjecl: or lhWe to any to any Penalty, Forfeiture or Difability prefcribed by any other Act or Acts of Parliament for not quali- Penalty or Difa- fying himfelf to execute his Truft upon or in purfuance of this Act, as Perfons who fhall take or execute bll "y tor " ot any Office or Place of Profit or Truft are fubject and liable unto by any the Laws now in Force; and that fclf &c° " a ^ an< ^ every or any fuch Perfon or Perfons may be Subicribers to the faid increafed Stock; any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding : Nor fhall be or be adjudged liable to be a Bankrupt, within the Intent or Meaning of all or any of the Statutes made againft or concerning Bankrupts; and that no Stock in the faid Company fhall be fubject and liable to any foreign Attachment by the Cuftom of the City of London, or otherwife; any Law, Statute, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. Transfers not XXVIII. And it is hereby enacted, That all the Transfers or Affignments of the preft-nt capital Stock liable to higher or increafed Stock, in the Books of the faid Company, fhall not hereafter be or be made liable to any Stamps. higher or greater Stamp or other Duties, than are now payable for the fame. Sealed Bonds to XXIX. And be it further enafted, That all Bonds or Obligations under the common Seal of the faid charge all the Company fhall charge as well the annual Fund and additional fund payable to the faid Company by virtue feveral Funds f trl is Act, as the prefent Stock and additional Stock and other Effects and Eftates of the faid Company for the Time being; and that all fuch Bonds and Obligations fhall be affignable, and the Monies thereup- on fhall be recoverable as effectually and in as ample Manner and Form, as any their Bonds taken upon the faid former Act might be affigned, or the Money due thereupon might be recovered. Such Bonds not XXX. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Contracts, Bills, Bonds, Obligatr- chargeable with ons or Securities und:r the common Seal of the faid Corporation fhall not be chargeable with any theDu- the stamp-du- t j es upon ftampt Vellum, Parchment or Paper; any former Law, Statute, Prohibition, Reftriction or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. Company to XXXI. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and continue a Body Company of Merchants of Great Britain, and their Succeffors for ever, fhall remain, continue and be Politick, one B dy Corporate and Politick, by the Name of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America and for encouraging the Fifhery, and fhall have, hold, receive and enjoy the faid yearly Fund of five hundred thoufand Pounds and the faid addition- al yearly Fund, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, to be added thereunto (by way of Increafe) as aforefaid; and the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds and the yearly Annuity of two thoufand Pounds, or fuch proportional Part thereof as aforefaid, to be added thereunto (by way of In- creafe for Management) purfuant to this Act, until the faid yearly Funds and yearly Sums fhall refpective- Ani to enjoy all ]y be redeemed according to this Act; and fhall have, hold and enjoy all their Forts, Factories, Acquifiti- their Privileges, ons ^ L anf ] S5 Tenements, Hereditaments, fole Benefit of Trade in and to the South-Seas and elfewhere, &c " with a perpetual Succeffion, and all Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Advantages whatfoever, whereunto the faid Governor and Company are or before the making of this Act were entitled by any Act or Acts of Parliament, Grant or Charter now in Force, (all which are by this Act ratified, confirmed and made effectual to them and their Succeffors] freed and difcharged of and from all former Provifoes, Powers, Acts, Matters and Things whatfoever for redeeming, Subjeft to the determining or making void the fame or any of them; fubject neverthelefs to the feveral and refpecfive. Power of Re- p rovi f oe s and Powers of Redemption of the faid yearly Funds and yearly Sums hereafter in this Act con- r tamed. On one Year's XXXII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon one Year's No- Notice after 24 t - Jce tQ j^ g| ven by Authority of Parliament at the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptijl which fhall on^eVavment be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, or at any of the faid quarterly &c. trie yearly' Feaft-days after the faid Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptijl one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- Pund of three, arid upon Repayment by Parliament to the faid Governor and Company of Merchants of Great 500,0001. and Britain f the whole Sum whereof the faid capital Stock of ten Millions, with the faid Stock to be added the additional t hereunto, (by way of Increafe as aforefaid) fhall then confift, according to fuch Notice without Deduc- ts Mafe, ' tion, Difcount or Abatement whatfoever to be made out of the fame, or any Part thereof, and upon Pay- ment of all Arrears of the faid yearly Fund of five hundred thoufand Pounds, and of the faid additional Fundj.