Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/259

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A. D. 1718. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 19. 219 Fund, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, to be added thereunto by way of Increafe as aforefaid, and of the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds and of the faid yearly Annuity of two thoufand Pounds, or fuch proportional Part thereof as aforefaid, for Management, to be added thereunto purfuant to this A6t (if any fuch Arrear or Arrears flu 11 be then due) then the faid yearly Fund of five hundred thoufand Pounds and the faid additional yearly Fund, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, and the faid yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds, and the yearly Annuity to be added thereunto by way of Increafe for Management as aforefaid, fhall from thenceforth ceafe and determine. ' XXXIII. And in regard it is intended, That after the twenty-fourth Day of "June one thoufand feven 11 Not"? I*

  • hundred and twenty-three the Principal or Sum Total of the faid Capital or increafed Stock, of the faid^ e "^ e I,J ^ :a "

' Company, confuting of ten Millions and the Addition to be made thereunto as aforefaid, may be fatif- June 1721 for ' fied to the faid Governor and Company by any Payments (not being lei's than one Million of lawful Mo- Redemption.and ' ney of Great Britain at a Time) and that as the fame principal Monies fhall be paid off, the faid yearly Payment be

  • Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, and the faid additional yearly Fund after the Rate of five Pounds j n ? (ie . (" ot
  • per Centum per Annum, to be added thereunto as aforefaid, fhall from Time to Time proportionally fink i'qoo oool 1

' and be abated :' Be it therefore further provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any then fo muc'h'of Time or Times at or. after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- the increafed three Notice fhall be given by Authority of Parliament for Redemption of the faid yearly Fund of five Fund maU bc hundred thoufand Pounds and the yearly 1' und which 'fhall be added th:reunto as aforefaid, and the faid aj? yearly Sum of eight thoufand Pounds and the additional Annuity which fhall be added thereunto as afore- faid ; and if Payment, according to fuch Notice be made by Parliament to the faid Governor and Compa- ny of Merchants of Great Britain, or their Succeffors, of any Sum or Sums of Money (not being lefs than one Million at a Time) in part of the principal Monies whereunto the faid Sum of ten Millions and the Stock to be added thereunto, by virtue of this Act, fhall jointly amount ; and alfo if Payment be made of all the Arrearages then due to them of the increafed yearly Fund and increafed yearly Sum, or fo much of thofe Arrearages as fhall bear a Proportion to the principal Monies from Time to Time remain- ing unfatisfied, being computed by the Day until the Time of every fuch Payment of Part of the Princi- pal refpectively, then, from and after every fuch Payment fo made to the faid Governor and Company, ind their Succeffors, fo much of the faid increafed yearly Fund, (confining of five hundred thoufand Pounds, with fuch Addition as aforefaid) as fhall bear Proportion to the Monies fo paid in Part of the faid Principal, fhall ceafe and determine and be abated ; any Thing in this or any former Act or Acts of Par- liament contained, or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notvvithftanding. XXXIV. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and af- After Redemp- ter the Redemption of all the faid yearly Fund of five hundred thoufand Pounds and of the additional tion the feveral yearly Fund which is to be joined to the fame as aforefaid, and of the faid yearly Sum of eight thou- ^"'^^"Jj" land Pounds, and the yearly Sum which is to be added thereunto for Management as aforefaid, by Pay- be underiiood ments to be made according to the feveral and relpective Provifoes or Conditions of Redemption in this to be redeemed Act contained of or concerning the fame, then and not till then the feveral Duties, Impofitions, additi- h Parliament! onal Impofitions and Revenues, and all proportional Parts of them or any of them, which are chargeable therewith, fhall be underftood to be redeemed by Parliament, and fliall not be iftued, paid or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever without Authority of Parliament ; neverthelefs the faid Corpora- ButtheCorpo- tion, by the Name aforefaid, fhall for ever remain, continue and be one Body Corporate and Politick, Jf" "/^ 1 c ° n ' and fliall have, hold and enjoy all their Forts, Factories, Acquifitions, Lands, Tenements, Heredita- ments, fole Benefit of Trade in and to the South-Seas and elfewhere, and alfo all the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments that are or fliall be by them purchafed in Great Britain, not exceeding one thoufand Pounds per Annum, with perpetual SuccaTion, and all Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Fran- chifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Advantages whatfoever whereunto the faid Governor and Company are or before the making this Act were entitled by any Act or Acts of Parliament, Grants or Charters now in Force ; all which are by this Act ratified, confirmed and made effectual to them and their Succeffors ; and the faid Governor and Company and the Members thereof, without having any Share or Intereft in the faid yearly Funds, Payments or Annuities, or any of them, after the fame fhall be redeem- ed, fhail have and be entitled to the fole Benefit of Trade in and to the South-Seas and elfewhere, and fuch Power of Trade in the Fifhery, as by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force is directed, and all other Benefits, Powers, Privileges and Advantages (the faid refpedtive Annuities to them iiTuing or payable after fuch Redemption as aforefaid only excepted) as if no fuch Redemption were had or made; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding, -XXXV. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Abi- AU tht PowefS lities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Exemptions, Franchifes, Privileges, Profits and Advantages ° r Q^tersauL Whatfoever, and all Pains of Death and other Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, and all Rules, l3i- tinued for ever," redtions, Methods, Articles, Matters and Things whatfoever, which by any former Act or Acts of Par- liament, or any Claufe or Claufes therein, or any Charter or Charters under the Great Seal of Great Bri- tain, are enacted, granted or eftabiifhed to, tor, touching or concerning the faid Corporation of the Go- vernor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America and for encouraging the Fifhery, or the Members of the fame (being in Force at or until the Time of making of this Act, and not hereby determined or altered) fhall for ever continue, and be practifed and put in Execution for fecuring and paying the yearly Funds, Annuities and Payments by this Act direct- ed, fubject to the Provifoes for Redemption thereof in this Act contained, and alfo (as well after fuch Re^> demption as before) for fecuring the PolTeffions, Trade and Buftnefs of the faid Corporation, and for their F f 2 r * Advan-