Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/275

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A. D. 1736. Anno nono Georgii II. C. 20. 213 Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That fuch a convenient and ciafs Lamps fufficient Number of Glafs Lamps, of fuch Sort and Fafhion, and put up in fuch Parts and Places to be put up in of the laid City of London, and the Liberties thereof, as to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty ^."'j'ne'^the of the faid City, in Common Council affembled, (hall feerri meet and expedient, fhall be with all con- nlrcftions of venient Speed erected and fixed to or near any Houfe or Building, Place or Places whatfoever within the i-ord the faid City or Liberties thereof, and the fame fhall be kept 'lighted and burning from Sun-fetting to ^yjjjj.' f jj'. ht _ Sun-riling throughout the Year. t d from Son- II. And, for defraying the fiift Expcnce of buying and erecting of fuch Lamps or Lights, and alfo ratting to Sun* the yearly Charges of fupplying, maintaining and repairing the fame, the following Rates and AfTefT- n " n S- ments (hall be laid and railed" on the feveral Inhabitants of the faid City and the Liberties thereof, annually and each Year, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix ; that is to fay,

  • For each and every Houfe, the Rent whereof is under ten Pounds per Annum, and the Inhabitant Yearly Races*

f whereof is charged to Church and Poor, any Sum not exceeding i'even Shillings per Annum. f 4 For each and every Houfe of the yearly Rent often Pounds or upwards, and under twenty Pounds, .any Sum not exceeding twelve Shillings per Annum. ' For each and every Houfe of the yearly Rent of twenty Pounds or upwards, and under thirty f. Pounds, any Sum not exceeding fourteen Shillings per Annum.

  • For each and every Houfe of the yearly Rent of thirty Pounds or upwards, and under forty Pounds,,
  • any Sum not exceeding fixteen Shillings per Annum.

' And for each and every Houfe of the yearly Rent of forty Pounds or upwards, any Sum not ex-

  • ceeding twenty. Shillings per Annum.
  • III. And forafmuch as it is reafonable that all publick Buildings (Hofpitals excepted) fliould be

' taxed and afTeffed in a due Proportion towards the better Lighting the faid City and the Liberties

  • thereof;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and St. PauVs Ca*.

for the Alderman of the Ward of Cajile Baynard, with the Advice and Confent of his Deputy and Com- *5f«Sfe psb- mon Councilmen, or the Majority of them, at his and their Diicretions, and they are hereby required tick Building;,. Yearly and every Year, to tax and affefs the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul; and alfo for the Alder- to be yearly man of each refpective Ward where fuch other publick Buildings reflectively do ftand, and are lituate, a " e " 6d ' by and with the Advice and Confent of his Deputy and Common Councilmen, or the Majority of them, at his and their Difcretions, and they are hereby required yearly and every Year, to tax and affefs all Parifh Churches, Church-yards, Chapels, Meeting-houfes, Schools, Halls, Markets, Ware- houfes, and all other publick Buildings whatfoever, fituate, Handing and being within their refpective Wards, towards the erecting, fupplying, maintaining and repairing the Lights aforefaid, Regard being by them always had to the Number of Lamps which (hall be found neceffary for the lighting the fame. IV. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Dean and Chapter of the Ca- By whom thedral Church of Saint Paul for the time being, and all and every the refpective Church-wardens and ^ents'ftial? be- Chapel-wardens of the feveral Parifh Churches and Chapels, and refpective head Officers, Mailers, pa id. Wardens and Governors of all Meetingdioufes, publick Halls, Schools, and the Occupiers or Proprie- tors of all other publick Buildings and Place; within the faid City and Liberties thereof respectively, fronting or adjoining to any of the faid publick Streets, Lanes, publick Places and Paffages of the faid City and Liberties thereof, and the Farmers or Occupiers of all and every the Markets within the City and Liberties thereof, fhall and they refpectively are hereby charged with and required to pay the refpec- tive Rates and Afleffments which fhall from time to time be fo railed and affefTed upon the faid refpective Buildings and Places purfuant to this Act. V. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That if the faid Dean and Chapter of Saint Paul fhall On what Corr- al their own Coft and Charge caufe the Fence round the faid Cathedral to be duly lighted with j^ lon the . Lamps of the fame Sort, and at and for the fame Time, and in a proportionable Number, aad from t^/of St. Paul * time to time keep the faid Fence fo lighted in the fame Manner as by this Act ought to be done in the to be exeufed. other Parts of Saint Paul's Church-yard (which the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen from time to time are hereby impowered to determine) that then and fo long as they continue to light the faid Fence as is hereby directed, no Rate or Affeflment (hall be laid on the (aid Cathedral Church by vir- tue of the Powers hereby granted ; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wife not- iwithftanding. i VI. Provided always, and _ it is hereby declared, That in cafe any Perfon or Perfons (hall think The Decifion him, her or theiyifelves aggrieved by fuch Tax and AfTeflment as aforefaid, it (hall and may be ° f t' le Lo "J lawful for them refpectively, within the Space of twenty Days after fuch Tax or Affeflment thai! ^SL» n 0R be laid, to appeal to the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, whofe Decifion fhall be final and Appeals^ to be Conclufive. final. ' VII. And wherers there are feveral Pieces of void Ground and fpacious Places belonging to the 4 faid City lying within the fame or Liberties- thereof, where no Inhabitants are or can be properly The eity

  • chargeable as aforefaid, and which nevertheless ought to be well and fufficiently lighted ;' Be it fur- Qhrenberlanv

ther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Chamberlain of the faid City of; London for the'cco^nd^aBc. time being, fhall at the Coft and Charges of the faid City pay fuch Taxes and Affeffments as fhall appeal e' the belaid and rated for the due lighting of fuch void Ground and Places^ where no Inhabitants are or °* d Major,