Smyrna, captured (), 191.
Societies, the Camden and Surtees, 50, 55.
the Harleian, 51.
Sohm, E., 63.
Somerset, Edward Seymour, duke of, 261, 321.
Spanish succession, war of the, 230 sq.
Speakers, temp. Henry VIII, 271-274.
Spelman, sir Henry, 329.
Spence, J., 383.
Spiritual courts, attack on (), 281.
Stafford, Humfrey and Thomas, 347.
Standish's case, 318.
Stanley, sir William, 349.
Star Chamber, 270, 276, 285, 324, 338.
its foundation, objects, and history, 362, 364.
Statute against heresy, 260.
of Appeals, 257, 263, 285, 286, 320.
of Citations, 319.
of Morton, 304, 306, 307.
of Submission, 286, 320.
of Uses, 255 sq., 280, 281, 282.
of Wills, 255 sq.
Staughton, N., admitted Doctor of Civil and Canon Law (), 330.
Stephen, king of England, 137, 302 sq.
Stratford, archbishop, 308.
Struve, B. G., 3.
Succession, Act of (), 362.
Suffolk, Charles Brandon, duke of, 246, 249, 289.
Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, earl of, 350, 351. 360, 368.
Suffrage under Henry VIII, 271.
Surrey, Thomas Howard, earl of, 348.
Swart, Martin, 338, 348.
Swerre Birkbain, 125, 148.
Sybel, H. von, 60.
Tanner, bishop, 5, 6.
Tartars, the, 186, 188 sq.
Templars, the, 162, 165, 177, 180 sqq.
Temys, T. (M.P. for Westbury), 271, 282.
Teutonic knights, 182, 183, 206.
Theobald, archbishop, 120, 130, 138 sq., 142, 144, 301, 302, 303.
Theodore, archbishop, 296.
Theodosian code, the, 297, 298.
Thirsk, riot at, 348, 358, 359.
Thirty Years' War, the, 229, 235.
Thomas, Peter (legate), 192-5.
Thoros, king of Armenia, 189.
Titian, 204.
Tours, the schools of, 138, 139.
Tozer, H. E., 379.
Trades unions anticipated, 316.
Tricolumnis, the, 120, 147, 151.
Tunstall, bishop, 279, 288.
Turcopoliers of the Knights Hospitallers, 185, 205.
Turnham, Robert of, 163.
Tyrrell, sir James, 351.
Uberto of Milan, 144.
Universities, the, under Henry VII, 339.
under Edward VI, 321 sq.
under Mary, 323.
University Extension Scheme, the, 113.
Urban III, pope, 144.
'Vacabunds and beggars,' 363.
Vacarius, Master, 120, 136 sq., 139, 141, 302, 303. 306.
Vasa, Gustavus, 228.
Vatican, the treasures of the, 67 sq.
Vaughan, H. Halford, 383, 384.
Venetians, the Pope, and the knights of Rhodes, their alliance, 190, 195, 196.
rupture between them and the Genoese, 196, 201.
annex Cyprus, 203 sq.
Vergil, Polydore, 340.
Vigfusson, Dr. G., 69, 380.
Vinogradoff, prof., 380.
Vinsauf, Geoffrey, 152.
Visitation of the two Universities by T. Cromwell, 319.
Wages in , 364.
Waitz, Dr., 28, 63, 380.
Wake, archbishop, 6, 331.
Walpole, sir K., 5.
Walter, archbishop of Palermo, 134.
Walter, Hubert, 144, 149.
Walter of Coutances, 126, 137.
War, private and public, in the Middle Ages, 217 sqq.
Warbeck, Perkin, 338, 348-350, 352, 360, 367, 368.
Wardship of heir to the throne, 173, 177.
Warham, archbishop, 244, 245, 248, 256, 272, 276-279, 281, 283, 310, 342, 354, 360.
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