Warwick, Edward earl of, 335, 344, 347, 348, 350.
Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp earl of, takes prisoner a son of the king of Lithuania, 194.
Wattenbach, W., 62.
Waynflete, bishop, 311.
Welfs, the, 125, 220.
Westphalia, the Peace of, 233.
Whistonian controversy, 331.
Wilkins, D., 331.
William, king of Sicily, 123, 134, 137.
William I, king of England, 166, 300.
William II, 361.
William of Champagne, archbishop, 131.
William of Conches, 138.
William of Malmesbury, 149, 379.
William of Newburgh, 125, 149.
William of S. Mere l'Eglise, 137.
William of Soissons, 138.
William of Tyre, 119.
William of Valence, 306.
William, sub-prior of Canterbury, 145.
Winchelsey, archbishop, 305.
Wolsey, cardinal, 234, 242-246, 248-249, 252-254, 258-259, 263, 269, 271, 273-275, 290, 342, 369.
Wood, Antony, 310, 330.
Wriothesley, chancellor, 244, 248.
Wydville, Edward, 366.
Yonge (Miss), Chaplet of Pearls, and Dove in the Eagle's Nest, 47.
York in the twelfth century, 149.
York, Richard duke of, 347, 348.
Zouch, lord, 356.