Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/148

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The Writings of

Jamaica Plain, Mass., Feb. 17, 1881.

As a citizen of Massachusetts, and an old friend, I desire to congratulate you on your able and satisfactory defense against the charges made against you, in regard to the Indians—charges which to me never had any sense or reason. I have watched the whole course of the argument, and believe you to have been the best friend the Indians have had. It is not necessary for you to be told this—but it is gratifying to me to say it.

With much respect, yours.

22 Washington Square,
 New York
, Feb. 22, 1881.

I presume on our acquaintance, perhaps long since forgotten by you, to tell you how much I admire the administration of your Department, especially your wise and statesmanlike management of Indian affairs. My long residence on the frontier enables me to judge of the extreme difficulty which attends every attempt to deal with the relations of savage tribes to civilized life. I am sure that in the history of the contact of the white with the red race, no such large-minded wisdom has been shown as we have seen during your term of office. The impulse of the philanthropists is good but it is only in America that men presume to discuss a question of practical statesmanship without making any serious effort to understand it.

If I were a journalist, as formerly, I would gladly say these things publicly, but I can only give myself the pleasure of saying them to you—and I fear you will not greatly care to hear them.