Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/326

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  • Lot, 211, var. of lock, a quantity. See lucken
  • Loupin-on-Stane, 201
  • Lovenanty! 170, Lan.
  • Lowe, 135, O.N. loge, Ger. Lohe, a flame; cog. Lat. lux, light
  • Lowp, lowpin', 17, 33, 216, Go. hlaupan, to leap up, A.S. hleapan, to run, Ger. laufen, Du. loopen, E. leap
  • Lowss, 13, Eng. loose, Go. laus, empty, vain, O.E. liesan, Du. loozen, Ger. lösen, Go. lausjan, to loosen, fra-lius-an; also in suff. los, less. Leasing, lying, is cog.
  • Lozen, 139, lozenge as a window-pane
  • Lucken, 181, 211, past part. of louk, lock. Go. ga-lukan, to close, us-lûkan, to open, O.N. lúka, cog. lock; Du. luiken, to close; Shet. to clutch; Ic. luka, locket, seized hold of.—Edm.; hence, Lucken booths, Lucken-gowan
  • Lucy-awrnits, 123, "corr. of earth-nut; lousy arnut, tall oat-grass or pig-nut."—Jam.
  • Luff, 207, C. Du.; in Sc. loof, which see
  • Lugs, 79, ears, obsc. or.—superseded in Sc. by the older "ear"
  • Lui, 194, C. Du. sluggish, same as lag, lag-gard, with elision of guttural
  • Lum, 171, 209, Celt or. lit. "what projects"
  • Lum-cleek, 208, C. Du. chimney hook -ly, 40, Eng. suffix
  • Lyft, 23, spec. Sc. O.E. lyft, Ger. Luft, the sky, Go. luftus
  • Lyke-wake, 17, 154, Ir. watch over a lich, leik, a dead body. See leiks. "The neighbour women used to come in and sit by the corpse in twos or threes all night."—Prof. Cooper


  • M, 38, old dat. case; old customs in Moray
  • Maak, 196, C. Du. and Sc. it is preferred to "do," Ger. machen
  • Mael, 51, A.S. mark, token, meal at stated time. Go. mel, time, season
  • Maich, maik, make, 19, Barb., O.E. ge-maec, equal, Ger. ge-mach, easy, comfortable—prim, sense "fit, suitable."— N.E.D.
  • Maiden, The, 154, in Harvest Home. See clyack and kirn
  • Maiden, 2, 19, a girl, O.E. maegden. Go. magaths. Ger. Magd and Mädchen are not identical with the Go.; has many forms in Go., as magus, lad, magula, lass, magathei, maidenhood, mawi, mawilo
  • Mail, 23, rent, A.S. methel, market, O.N. mail speech, O.H.G. Mahal, assembly, O.E. maethel, discussion, mele, to speak, Go. mathl, market or meeting place. Go. faura-mathleis, chief speaker=fore-meler; M.E. mele, to speak
  • Mail, 28, speck, spot; Klüge says, conn, with Go. mail, spot, uncertain, though sense is parallel: cog. A.S. mál, mole (on the skin). Ident. is mal, a "point" of time in ein-mal. Sc. eirn-mail is iron-mould or stain on linen
  • Mairch, 22, border, boundary between properties, O.E. mearc, Du. and Ger. Mark, Go. marka, boundary, landmark
  • Mailins, 146, a farm, as paying mail or rent in money. See mail

"Shore (threatened) to raise our mailins."

"Gentle Shepherd."

  • Maill, 24, 253, Eng. meal. Go. malan, to grind in the mill
  • Makkars, 98, 99, 102, makers=poets; Cf. Gr. ποιητής
  • †Man, 11, 16, 79, 248, Go. manna, as an indef. pron, Ger. man; in compounds, -mana. N.E.D. throws doubt on the usual reference of the root to an Ind.-Ger. verb, to think, "though no plausible alternative explanation has been suggested"
  • Man o' bizzness, 72
  • Manage, 94, to get through with
  • Manding, 75, memorising, Lat. mandare as in mandate. Not in Jam. or N.E.D.
  • Mant, 105, tp stutter, Ga. and Ir. manntach, toothless, stammering, M.Ir. mant, the gum