Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/327

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  • Mappies, 123, rabbits, imit. of nibbling action of lips. Not in N.E.D.
  • Mareschal, 56, 63, 64, Eng.; O.F. mareschal, F. maréchal, Ger. Marschalks, lit. horse-servant
  • Marm, 82, var. of madam
  • Marra, 171, a companion, a match, as marra-less stockings, not a pair; Bu. marie, to variegate. Not in N.E.D.

"Whaur gat ye that winsome marrow?"

  • Mathl, 23, Go. market-place; v. mathljan. See meljan and mail
  • Mati-balg, 26, Go. a meat-bag=wallet
  • Mauchie, 24, fulsome. Jam. moch, mochy; or. a heap (moist and rotting), moich, tainted meat; syn. humphy, Bu., to sniff as if at a fetid odour. "He's gey ill tae please wi's meat; for, fin gueede cabbitch wiz setten doon till 'm, he humpht at thim. A gae 'm naething else, an' he hid t' tak' a dish o' wint till's supper."—Gregor. See maihstus and mixen
  • Maurthra, 13, Go. murder
  • Mawkin, 129, the hare, for malkin, mollykin
  • Mazle, mayzlin, mayzy, 172, Cu.
  • Meal-ark, 24, meal-chest (Lat. area)
  • Meal-bowie, 163, small cask for holding meal, any small barrel—
"The bowie briskly reams" (froths).


  • Meal girnel, 155, garner or granary
  • Meal's meat, 169
  • Mebbes, 152, 169, may be it is
  • Medial, 194, guttural elided in Taal
  • Meedge, 140. No. meed, Da. mede. I heard it as a boy when boating with an old fisherman. In steering he took two points a-head, what he called a "meedge," and kept them in line. Jam. has meith, meeth, meth, Ic. mide, a mark, mida, to mark a place. See mett
  • Meerder, 209, 219, 221, C. D. maar, Sc. mair, and="but" cf. F. mais
  • Meerie, 223, C. Du. a little mare
  • Meisjie, 205, C. Du.
  • Mel, 51, Go. time. See mail, a speck, meljan
  • Mele, 23, O.E. to speak, O.N. maéla, mail speech. See mail, rent
  • Meljan, 51, Go. to be inscribed, mel, time. Ger. ein-mal, Eng. a meal; as mel originally denotes a fixed point, ana-meljan means to inscribe, mark with a note
  • Mena, 23, Go. moon
  • Mênoths, 254, Go. month, Ger. Monat
  • Menownys, mennons, 62, minnons. See base in mins.
  • Menshless, 87, without mense, good manners, discretion, Ic. mennska, humanity, mann-r, man, Ger. Mensch
  • Mention, 88
  • Mere, 19, the sea, Du. meer, Ger. Meer, Go. mari in mari-saiws, the sea; "conn, with Ind.-Ger. root, mer, to die, as the 'lifeless' one, is very doubtful."— N.E.D.
  • Merrie-my-tanzie, 127
  • Messer, 31, Ger. a knife, maz-sahs, meat knife. Go. mats, A.S. mete, E. meat, A.S. mete-seax. Go. mitan
  • Methinks, 35, Eng.
  • Mett, 69, 71, to measure, O.E. metan. O.Fr. meta, Du. meten, Ger. messen, Go. mitan. See meedge
  • Michaelmas moon, 240
  • Mikilins thiudanis, 13, 22, 32, 38, Go. the great king, Sc. muckle; mikilnan. Go. to be enlarged, O.E. micel, O.N. mykell, Go. mikil
  • Milk, 32, O.Fr. melok, Du. melk (pron. melek). Go. miluks
  • Mim-mou'd, mimp, 151, Cu. to talk mincingly; cf. mum, mim; prudish, reserved in discourse—

"A bit butt an' a bit ben
Maks a mim maid at the board en'."


  • Mind, mundon, 34, Go. to observe. N.E.D. under mind notes these forms.—Go. gamunds, memory, gaminthi, memory, gamunan, to think, remember