Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/344

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  • Tooth, 18, A.S. tôth=tanth, N. tand, Go. tunthus, tooth
  • Toper, 193, Cu. anything excellent in its kind
  • Tothed, 200, ted, to spread new-mown grass, tedded; Ic. tethja, to spread tath or manure, töthu-verk, making hay. See koil-tett
  • Tove, 100, toss, Shet. See tyaave
  • Tow, 68, 161, 208, and C. Du. rope,

"An' or I wad anither jade
I'll wallop in a tow."

A.S. tow, Ic. to, a tuft of wool, tog a rope

"There was an auld wife had a wee pickle tow.
An' she wad gae try the spinnin' o't,
She lootet her doon an' her rock took a low
An' that was a bad beginnin' o't."

Alex. Ross. (J. B. F.)

  • Trake, 203, to wander idly, C. Du. trek
  • Tramp-colies, 146, Mo. hay stacks
  • Trance, 176, perh. Lat. trans, across
  • Trances, 146, hey soos. Mo.
  • Transpire, 94
  • Trap, 135, 207, Ger. Treppe, a ladder, Du. trap
  • Traps, 92, for the unwary Englishman
  • Treacle peerie, 132, home-made small beer. See peerie
  • Treak, 203, Cu.
  • Tree, 20, 26, Go. triu, triu-weins, wooden
  • Treesh, 148, Mo. call to a cow
  • Trek, 211, 203, C. Du.
  • Treviss, 131, partitions in a stable forming the stall, Lat. trabs, a beam
  • Trig, trigger, 211
  • Trogger, 111, Ir. vagrants who gather old clothes
  • Troke, troking, 135, 152, 203, to barter
  • Tromp, 223, C. Du. trump, Fi. a Jew's harp, trumpet
  • Trooie, 148, Mo.
  • Trowtis, 62, trouts, Barb.
  • Tuig, 208, C. Du. tow, a rope. See tow
  • Tull me, 168, Cu.; cf. Sc. till, intill for to, into
  • Tummel-car, 181, Cu. tumlin-wheels, primitive solid wooden wheels
  • Tunthus, 18, Go. tooth, Lat. dens, dentis
  • Tutor, 72, Sc. law term
  • Twal oor, 197, twaalf uur, C. Du.
  • Twal oors, 129, mid-day meal, twelve hours
  • Twa-neukit, 88, two-cornered
  • Twicet, 90, twice
  • Tyaave, 100, difficulty: "my job's an affle tyaave" (Ab.), buckie-tyanve, a good-humoured wrestle (Bff.)
  • Tyeuve, 101, Bu., laboured hard. See taw, tew


  • U, sounds, thin, and name, 81
  • Ubils, 29, Go. evil
  • Ubizwa, 25, Go. a porch, A.S. efese, a clipt hedge of thatch, from Go. prep. uf, under, Ger. oben; lit. cover, shelter
  • Udal, Udaller, 10, Orc. land tenure. See Othal
  • Ug, 154
  • Ug-sam, 30, Bord.
  • Ug-some, 98. See ugly, ogre
  • -uh, 45, Go. affix, Lat. que
  • Ulbandus, 21, Go. camel. See elephant
  • Umhm! 85
  • "Um zu," 91, Ger. for to
  • Unco, 171, Cu. in or. sense, unknown, strange, and not an intensive as in Sc.
  • Undaurni-mats, 24, Go. morning meal, E. undern, still in prov. dial.; 9 A.M. in Paisley Burgh Recs.
  • Und hina dag, 45, Go. unto this day
  • Und hita nu, 45, Go. hitherto
  • Undomous, 153, Mo. un-demus, incalculable; un and deman to judge.—Jam. Go. ga-domjan, doom, judge. Syn. byous
  • Unfewsom, 182, Cu.; cf. Ger. fügsam, pliant
  • Unhouseled, 32, Shak., A.S. husel, the Eucharist, Go. hunsl, a sacrifice; or. sense, to kill
  • Unhultha, 28, Go. from hulths, gracious, hilthan, to favour; O.E. holde, faithful. Kl. connects with