Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/346

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  • Walshoch, 153, weak and watery; cf. walsh, welsche, insipid; Jam. Teut. gælsch; A.S. gaelsa, wantonness, pride. See galsh
  • Wamme, 29, Go. spot, O.E. wem, A.S. wem, a scar, a blemish
  • Wandjan, 34, Go. to wend, turn, went
  • Wange, 18, jaw, cheek, A.S. wange, Ger. and O.E. the cheek. The molars are sometimes called wang-teeth. See wangere, A.S. pillow, bolster
  • Wanst, 90, once
  • Wap, 172, 174, a disturbance, "to kick up a wap," to throw quickly, "wappit war wyde," thrown quite open, M.E. wappen, to beat, strike—"Allit. Poems," Amours
  • Wardle, 16, Ab. world
  • Warem, 209, C. Du. warm
  • Warsle, 97, to sidle along, struggle, wrestle
  • Wasti, 19, 254, Go. dress, Lat. vestis, ga-wasiths, was clad
  • Watch weds, 187, Cu. for game of "Scots and English," weds, pledges, as in wad-set, which see
  • Water brash, 139, a symptom of indigestion
  • Water droger, 133. Cf. droch, a dwarf
  • Wato, 253, Go. water
  • "Wattled cotes," 15, 67, Milton. See withe, withy, waddja
  • Wauken, wakand, 53, pres. part. of wauk, to be on the wake or watch

"The waukin'" (watching) "o' the fauld."

All. Ramsay.

  • Waukit, 65, wauk, to full cloth, render callous, as the palm by hard work—

"Till his waukit hoofs were in a blister."

"Jac. Ball."

  • Waur, wairs, 29, 97, Go.; E. worse
  • Waurms, 20, Go. worm
  • Waurtja, 26, 48, Go.; E. ort, wort, root, Ger. Wurz
  • Waxin kernels, 182, Cu. wax kernels, Fi. an indurated gland, often in the neck
  • Wean, 66, Lan. child; obsc. or.
  • Wearin, a, 173, Cu. a decline, Sc.
  • Wearing-down process, 194
  • Weary alone, to, 92
  • Wecht, 124, close sieve used in winnowing corn
  • Wed, 187, Cu. See wadi
  • Wedder, 21, a sheep, wether. Go withrus, a lamb; or. sense, a "yearling"
  • Weebie, 123, 148, the ragwort, Fi. Not in Jam.
  • Weed, 179, E. dress (Shak.)
  • Weed-clips, 173, Cu.
  • Weed, 139, an illness
  • Weel-eddicate, 88, well educated
  • Weel-hained, 130, well-preserved, hain, have to spare. See hained
  • Ween, 30, expect, fancy. Go. wenjan, to expect
  • Weet, 209, C. Du. pron. wait, as on the Borders; wat, wot
  • Wee wifikie, 106, little wifie
  • Weigan, 23, Go. to fight, A.S. wig, a warrior
  • Weihs, weihsta, 26, 249, Go. street corner, Lat. vicus, a wick, -wich
  • Weina, 26, Go. wine. Cog. Lat. vinum, from which it is borrowed
  • Weina-basi, 15, Go. the grape, lit. wine-berry
  • Weird, 69, werd, weerd, A.S. wyrd, fate, Go. wairthan, and Ger. werden, to come to pass; werdie, 69, feeblest bird in a nest, "Ilka nest has its werdie." Prob. conn. with weird, wyrd, as the luckless, unfortunate. (J. B. F.)
  • Weis (weece), 11, Go. we
  • Weiss, 83, wyce
  • Weitan, 51, Go. to see, to wit
  • Well-caumed, 135, cam-stone, white clay hardened. "Teut. kalmeysteen."—Jam.
  • Wer, 16, A.S. a man, as in wergild, weor-old, Lat. vir. See wair
  • Wer-old, 16, O.E. world, A.S. weor-old—comp. of Ic. verr. Go. wair. Lat. vir. a man, and old, M.E. elde, old age, Go. aids, an age—all in sense "an age of man"
  • Wersh, 86, 153. See walshoch
  • Weyt, 182, Cu. wecht, Fi.
  • Wh (init.)=W, 82
  • Wha, whaw, 14, 40, who, interr.
  • Whan, hwan, 32, Go. when